The WORST Food That CAUSES Faster Aging (Beware!)

Foods That Cause Aging

This is a subject I am very passionate about, have worked in the field, but feel Mike & Catherine have explained so very well, I wanted to share it with you.

By Mike Geary – Certified Nutrition Specialist & Catherine Ebeling – RN, BSN

Do you eat these foods that HARM your blood sugar and age your joints and skin faster? Some are even deceptively marketed to you as “healthy” by giant food corporations. Avoid or minimize these and look 5-10 years YOUNGER than your real age.

Due to biochemical reactions in your body that occur with every type of food you eat on a daily basis, some foods age you FASTER than your real age, while other foods help to FIGHT aging.

Eat the wrong foods regularly, and you can look and feel 10 or more years OLDER than your real age (not fun!)
… but eat the right foods, and over time, you can start to look 5-10 years YOUNGER than your real age.

Inflammation And Aging

Three of the processes that go on inside your body that have a MAJOR impact on your rate of aging are called “glycation“, “inflammation“, and “oxidation“. When we talk about aging, we’re not just talking about wrinkles on your skin or how thick your hair is… we’re also talking about factors that you can’t see, such as how well your organs function, and whether your joints are degrading.

Yes, I’m sure you’ll agree this is much more important than just how you look superficially (although we’ll show you how to improve BOTH!)

With the title of this article, you might have guessed that obvious answers like sugar or trans fat would be what we talk about in this article. Yes, those are bad, but I want to discuss another food that ages your body faster than normal…
and it’s one that you might not expect!

So let’s dig right in and I’ll show you how your rate of aging can be directly related to the foods you might eat every day,
and how to protect yourself..


Wheat based foods (yes, even “whole wheat”)

Before I tell you why wheat can actually speed up the aging process in your body, let’s clarify some simple biochemistry in your body…

This deals with “glycation” in your body, and substances called Advanced Glycation End Products
(AGEs). These nasty little compounds called AGEs speed up the aging process in your body including damage over time to your organs, your joints, and of course, wrinkled skin.

So with that said, what is one of the biggest factors that increase production of AGEs inside your body? This may surprise you, but high blood sugar levels over time dramatically increase age-accelerating AGEs in your body. This is why type 2 diabetics many times appear that they have not aged well and look older than their real age.
But this age-increasing effect is not just limited to diabetics.

So, let’s get back to how “whole wheat” relates to this…

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Here is a little-known fact that’s often covered up by the massive marketing campaigns by giant food companies that want you to believe that “whole wheat” is healthy for you… but the fact is that wheat contains a very unusual type of carbohydrate (not found in other foods) called Amylopectin-A, which has been found in some tests to spike your blood sugar higher than even pure table sugar.

In fact, amylopectin-A (from wheat) raises your blood sugar more than almost any other carbohydrate source on earth based on blood sugar response testing.

This means that wheat-based foods such as breads, bagels, cereals, muffins, and other baked goods often cause much higher blood sugar levels than most other carbohydrate sources. As you know now, the higher your average blood sugar levels are over time, the more AGEs are formed inside your body, which makes you age FASTER.

So till next week, take a close look at what you are eating?

Here’s to being simply beautiful!




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My New Anti-Aging Serum Designed To Make You Look Younger

New Beauty Serum

The ultimate beauty serum to help you combat signs of aging, fight wrinkles and improve your youthful appearance. It moisturizes the skin and enhances texture when used with our No 1 product LifeCell cream.

This formula incorporates everything you need to get results. I’m so positive you’ll see a difference. Also very excited at the way this has come together. I personally chose each ingredient for its remarkable healing properties to create my new serum CELL Renew Serum.

I added Hyaluronic Acid (HA). HA is a natural hydrating nutrient already present in your body. It’s like nature’s moisturizer that keeps your skin from looking old.It works sort of like a sponge in the way it can bind to water and absorb more than 1,000 times its original weight. It’s made up of two modified simple sugars that are large and long in size. They work together to hydrate your face in a way that adds fullness and shape to your skin.

Smooth Youthful Skin

Skin needs moisture to maintain the fullness and smoothness you have come to recognize as youthfulness. If you go back and look at your baby pictures, or even pictures when you were in high school, you’ll notice the fuller cheeks, the smooth forehead and of course – no wrinkles. HA is responsible for that. That’s the good news!

But the bad news is, although HA is found naturally in most every cell of your being, it only has a lifespan of about 1 to 3 days max before it is broken down and cleared out of your body. That’s why it’s so imperative that your body continually replenishes your skin with HA.

Hyaluronic Acid

Add to this that as we age, we can’t make the same amount of HA we had as babies. Your skin loses the ability to retain moisture, and that’s when you notice it become drier, thinner, a little more saggy & deflated. We then see those dreaded signs of aging appear. This is a reflection of your body’s loss of HA. The wrinkles seem to come out of nowhere.

Canadian Willowherb

And though I could have stopped with the healing benefits of HA, I wanted to add yet another all-natural ingredient called Canadian Willowherb. Research studies show it can aid in restoring your skin back to its original youthful-looking design by evening out your complexion, and softening your skin. It can improve overall skin tone up to 99.9% within hours of applying

In addition to Canadian Willowherb and HA, I added even more powerful nutrients, Marine Collagen, Seaweed Extract, Olive Leaf Extract and Chrysanthemum Flower Extract.

All our people who have been testing this product over the last few weeks give this CELL Renew Serum a big tick.

There are more exciting products in the making so stay tuned.

Here’s to being simply beautiful!



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Four Natural Ways to Fade Age Spots

Age Spots

“How can I get rid of these spots on my hands?”

That’s one question I get asked a lot here on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Maybe it’s because we’re in the “Sunshine State.” But if you’ve tried countless moisturizers and anti-aging serums without relief, there could be another factor at work, too.

Soaking up the sun is a way of life in Queensland and that’s a good thing. Sunshine is the best way to get your vitamin D, the wonder vitamin that can lessen your risk of cancer and heart disease, and strengthens your bones. That news is exciting.

But the sun can also cause those brown spots to appear on your hands, arms, chest and other areas that get a lot of sun.
Pregnancy and aging can cause them too.

Queensland Sun

In medical terms, they’re called lentigines. You might call them age spots or liver spots, although they have nothing to do with your liver. They form when UV light from the sun causes you to produce melanin – the same pigment that gives you a tan. When the melanin builds up in certain areas, you’re left with the sun spots.

They’re not harmful, but many women want to get rid of them. A lot of people ask about skin lightening creams you can buy over the counter. But I don’t suggest those.

These creams are packed with harsh toxins, parabens, alcohol or worse. For example, one of the most well-known lightening agents is hydroquinone. It’s quite controversial. Many dermatologists call it safe when used properly…but animal studies have found it to be carcinogenic, and also disruptive to the immune system.

Dangerous side effects have been reported in Africa, where skin bleaching is common and women use hydroquinone and other lightening chemicals for a long period of time. Complications include bluish black discoloration of the skin, abnormal hair growth,
painful lesions, hypertension, and adrenal problems, among other things.

Skin Lightening Cream Hazards

But there could be something even worse lurking in skin lightening creams… mercury. Sometimes it’s right on the label as mercurous chloride, mercurio or calomel – but it’s not always listed. The results of this potent neurotoxin can affect the mind and body, causing gastrointestinal and perhaps kidney damage, extreme fatigue, difficulty breathing and loss of coordination. Right now, the health departments in some areas are investigating the resurgence of mercury poisoning as a result of skin lightening creams.

There are better ways to even out your skin tone – naturally. Here’s what I recommend…

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice. Squeeze some fresh lemon juice onto a cotton round and gently massage it over your sun spots.
Leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your skin’s sensitivity.
Rinse thoroughly.
The results will be gradual but usually noticeable within 2 weeks.
Take before-and-after photos for the fun of it.
If your skin is sensitive to the lemon juice, try mixing it with chamomile or yogurt.
One thing you should know lemon juice can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so I recommend using it at night.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile. This herb is very gentle and great for fading sun spots.
First, brew a strong tea. Let it cool to a temperature that’s comfortable for your skin and apply it the age spots.
If you have widespread age spots, try throwing a few tea bags into a bath.

. There’s a good reason yogurt is a popular ingredient in do-it-yourself skin care.
It has lactic acid (LA), a natural alpha-hydroxy acid.
Preliminary research has shown that LA may help promote cell turnover and interfere with melanin formation.
Yogurt is also anti-bacterial, which makes it great for acne. Use plain, organic, unsweetened yogurt for best results.

Natural Yoghurt

Retinoids. If the other methods don’t get you the results you want, talk to your health care provider about using retinoids.
(You’ve probably heard of the brand name Retin-A, but there are many others.)
These are very effective for correcting discoloration and evening out skin tone.
Retinoids also make your skin much more sensitive to the sun, so it’s important to be aware of your exposure.

Until next week enjoy the sun, but remember to much can age us also.

Here’s to a simply more beautiful you!




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Bamboo’s Beauty Booster

Bamboo For Beauty

For more than 2,000 years, Chinese medicine has used one single secret for young-looking hair, skin AND nails. I’m talking about the common bamboo plant or Bambusa vulgaris.

In China, bamboo is a symbol for longevity. It regenerates itself faster than any other plant in the world. Some species will grow up to four feet every day. Bamboo grows fast and thick and constantly renews itself because it’s rich in the essential mineral silica. That’s the same mineral that makes your hair and nails grow fast and strong, and regenerates your skin

Bamboo’s Silica Helps Repair and Rebuild Collagen

Silica is one of the most critical components of collagen, your skin’s connective tissue.
Collagen is like scaffolding holding up the structure of your skin. Whenever collagen is damaged,
that scaffolding weakens and your skin can start to wrinkle and sag.


When that happens, silica steps in to rebuild and regenerate the collagen matrix. It strengthens all of the body’s other connective tissues, too, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone.

Silica is also a vital mineral to you if you have thinning hair or brittle nails. It transports essential nutrients to the ends of the body, namely your hair and nails. That ensures that hair follicles and nail beds get all the vital minerals needed for growth and vitality.

When you were young, you had lots of natural silica. That’s why children always seem to have beautiful silky hair, soft skin and perfect nails. But as adults, we lose 10 to 40 mg of silica every day. It’s excreted in urine, or lost when hair falls out or when we trim our nails.

If you’re over 40 you’re probably deficient in silica. Tell-tale signs are new wrinkles, thinning hair and brittle nails.
But you can reverse all that just by replenishing your silica stores.

Bamboo Silica Rebuilds Collagen

Boost Your Silica Levels With Bamboo Extract

We can get some silica from our food. Young bamboo shoots are an excellent source. Seafood, leafy greens, root vegetables, almonds, seeds, whole grains and even beer are good sources of silica.

But modern chemical farming practices have depleted the soil of trace minerals and other nutrients. Many of our foods can’t deliver enough silica. That’s why I would suggest silica in a supplement form. I usually will introduce silica into my nutritional regime for six months of the year.

Here’s to looking more youthful



                                                   Foods Rich In Silica


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What Can Erase Wrinkles In Only 8 hours And Doesn't Cost A Cent?

Beauty Sleep


Getting enough sleep is good for your health, but it’s great for your skin. Think of sleep as your nightly face lift. You’re giving your skin a chance to repair itself.

While you’re dreaming, your skin is renewed and restored. Your skin texture improves, because old, dead skin cells are replaced. Harmful effects from your daily life are reversed. You literally wake with a new glow.

Many things can keep you from getting 8 hours. Work, friends, your favorite TV show, or a good book. But sleep needs to be on the top of your priority list.

When you wake up in the morning after not getting enough sleep, what do you see in the mirror? Your eyes look hollow, and your cheeks sink in. You look old before your time. Researchers found without sleep, your body begins to waste away, the same as if you were starving yourself to death.

By losing sleep, you rob your immune system of the energy it needs to fight infection. You’ll catch more colds and flu viruses. In one study, animals that lost seven hours of sleep came down with viruses even after they were immunized. The animals that got enough sleep did not. Immunization had no effect without enough sleep.Melatonin For Beauty Sleep

When you lose sleep, you look old and sick for a reason. Your skin cells can’t repair themselves. When you lose your defense system, bacteria and other invaders can cause blemishes or reactions like swollen eyes and dark circles.

A great way to improve your sleep quality is by increasing the level of melatonin in your body. Melatonin is a natural, protective hormone. The amount you have decreases as you age.
Melatonin helps you fall asleep and keeps you sleeping deeper throughout the night.

Melatonin has many benefits. One is its beautifying effect on the skin. Melatonin helps in the production of collagen and elastin to keep your skin firm and young looking. It’s a potent antioxidant that fights against damage that causes your skin to wrinkle and age.

To increase melatonin naturally, make sure you spend time each day in bright, natural sunlight. Then go to sleep in a completely dark bedroom. Make sure you don’t have the TV running or a night light on. Wear a sleep mask if you have to. Any light at all, no matter how tiny, will disrupt the production of melatonin.

Sleeping Beauty Eye Mask

You can also a purchase melatonin supplement at most vitamin shops. You can get a pill to swallow, but I suggest you look for drops, or a sublingual that melts under your tongue. It’s easier to absorb and works fast.

Only a small amount is necessary. Take it 20 minutes before you want to fall asleep. Start with 0.5 mg and work your way up to 3 mg. Larger doses don’t have the same effect. So don’t take too much, or it won’t work.


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The Ultimate Anti-Aging Skin Care Collection

NEW Cell CoQ10 Complex

Cell Coq10 Complex

The first 20 years of our lives, our skin does not face any problems. It is young and glowing. This is because of the Coenzyme Q10 present in our body. This provides the nutrients, which are required for our skin to remain healthy. But once we reach the age of 30 years, the level of the CoQ10 in our body starts reducing. This means that the skin does not receive this nutrient, so it starts aging. In order to prevent the aging of the skin & to keep it healthy, we can take in the supplement in order to make up for the loss of the same in our body. Or, as we have done with the Cell CoQ10 Complex we have included it in a form to assist in the re-energizing and rejuvenation of the skin.

The aging of our skin is caused due to the harmful free radicals. The CoQ10 enzymes are antioxidants, which destroy these radicals thus, reducing the rate of the process of aging. Besides this, the enzyme also increases the level of collagen and elastin, which is responsible for maintaining the elasticity and flexibility of the skin. If these are taken care of, then one does not have to worry about the sagging of skin. Thus, these are the anti-aging benefits. Our CoQ10 is specially formulated using some of the most nourishing & regenerative ingredients to help combat the delicate aging process.

Ingredients: Almond Sweet Oil, Jojoba Oil, Rosehip Oil, Natural Vitamin E, CoEnzymeQ10, Rose Absolute, Soya Bean Oil, Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate, Alpha-Bisabolol, Retinyl Palmitate,

Usage: Apply over your LifeCell cream for maximum protection morning & night.

Available exclusively through LifeCell Australia for just $45.

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LifeCell Cream

Lifecell Anti Aging Cream

LifeCell anti-aging skin care cream is our most popular product. Formulated with premium quality ingredients, it rejuvenates your skin from the cellular level, restoring youth and vibrance to your face. So, no matter what your age, in just a few short weeks you can visually reduce lines and wrinkles, plump up your skin’s elasticity and moisture, and look younger than you have in years!

contains remarkable ingredients that can literally slow aging and can extend the lifespan of your skin cells.

When you use it topically, significant results can occur. That’s because your skin can absorb LifeCell cream at a cellular level. Unlike some other moisturizers that simply sit on the top of your skin, LifeCell sinks into the deeper levels of your skin tissue. It’s a natural product that’s guaranteed to improve your skin’s tone, texture, and firmness.

People are raving about the fantastic results they’ve noticed when using LifeCell. Check out these reviews and testimonials.

To find out more information about LifeCell Cream click here.

Buy Now
Available to buy online through for $189 with FREE SHIPPING and fast delivery.

Cell Sea Mask

Cell Sea Mask is the ultimate face mask treatment providing deep skin nutrition and regeneration.
It helps to smooth, lift and purify and is infused with powerful Marine Phytoplankton.

Cell Sea Mask

For years scientists have recognized the exceptional nutritional elements embodied in Marine Phytoplankton.
They provide essential fatty acids, ionic trace minerals, vitamins, enzymes, bioflavonoids, as well as other required,
essential amino acids and other phytonutrients.

Skin cells are shed approximately every 35 days and are regularly replaced by new cells.
Use this opportunity to reprogram your skin cells for health and healing instead of disease.
Skin cells need organic, pure, whole food compounds, essential oils and nutrients to replicate healthy cells.

Cell Sea Mask is a botanical infusion of Witch Hazel, Chamomile, Sea Kelp, Sage, Coltsfoot, Yarrow, Balm Mint, Rosemary, Athea, Wild Thyme & Horsetail in Purified Water, Kaolin Alpha 3, CMP Concentrated Marine Phytoplankton, Zinc Oxide, Kaolin Clay, Vegetable Fatty Acids, Coconut Oil, Licorice Root, Panthenol (pro Vit B-5), Allantoin, Mixed Tocopherols, Vitamin E, Citric Acid (vitamin C),
Rose Essence and Emollient from Vegetable Glycerin.

Buy Now

Find out more information about the Cell Sea Mask by clicking here.
Available exclusively through LifeCell Australia for $49.


Cell Serum

Organic Cell Serum

Cell Serum is a highly potent blend of specific ingredients that further enhance skin health.
It is particularly beneficial for someone who is not at the stage of severe wrinkles just yet (example under 30-35 yrs of age).
Cell Serum can be used in addition to LifeCell cream for fine, fair skin that is dehydrated to speed up the regeneration time.

The key nutrients in the Cell Serum are important to the skin and have been successfully used to treat many skin problems.
Ingredients include Marine Phytoplankton, CoQ10, Rose Damask essential oil, Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamins A, C, D & E.

For best results the Cell Serum should be used following your nightly application of LifeCell Cream.
If Cell Serum is used not in conjunction with LifeCell, then it is best applied after cleansing.

To find out more details about Cell Serum click here.

Available exclusively through LifeCell Australia for just $49.

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Collagen Booster

Lifecell Collagen Booster

LifeCell Collagen Booster contains pure, ultra potency Resveratrol, Hyaluronic Acid, and Super Anti-Oxidants.

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant found in the skins of grapes, red wine and some berries, and helps fight the aging process. While Resveratrol helps to give you a youthful appearance, it actually extends your youth far beyond your skin. It can also promote weight loss and help treat or prevent high cholesterol, inflammation, cancer and heart disease.

Hyaluronic Acid is an amazing ingredient for reducing the appearance of wrinkles. It has the ability to hold more water than any other substance. HA plays an important role in tissue hydration, lubrication and cellular function. As one of the skin’s natural moisturizing elements, HA binds and holds water in the skin, enhancing the skin’s elasticity.

The Super Antioxidants work as scavengers to help neutralize harmful free radicals and protect cells from damage. They also nourish the body resulting in a number of long-term health benefits.

Recommended dosage 2 a day. Do not take at night. 60 capsules per bottle.
To find out more information about LifeCell Collagen Booster click here.
Available now for $55.

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Face Wash Cleanser

Lifecell Face Wash Cleanser

LifeCell Anti-Aging pH-balanced Anti-Oxidant Face Wash is a high quality cleansing foam that is all-natural and perfect for all skin types. It’s hypo-allerganic and dermatologist recommended. LifeCell Cleanser is uniquely formulated to cleanse your skin of impurities, including make-up, without stripping natural oils and maintaining the skin’s natural pH balance. This face wash provides anti-aging benefits and is gentle enough to use morning and evenings. It perfectly prepares your skin for treatment with LifeCell Cream and other Cell Skin Care products.

Ingredients include Green Tea, Cucumber, Resveratrol, Tea Tree Oil and Rosemary.

In addition, LifeCell’s Face Wash:

* Replenishes skin with potent antioxidants that neutralize wrinkle-causing free radicals.
* Nourishes skin with the most potent vitamins anti-irritants, and anti-infective ingredients
known to science, making your skin feel re-energised with a natural glowing radiance.

Find out more about LifeCell Anti-Oxidant Face Wash by clicking here
Available now for $35

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Anti Ageing Skin Care Products

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Reduce the Age of Your Skin? Let’s help you…

Reduce The Age Of Your Skin

Most of the women I know get a big thrill when somebody pegs their age as much younger than it truly is. A single 5-year deduction in age can put a smile on their face for days. After all, who doesn’t like to find themselves on the receiving end of a compliment like that?

Even I get a kick out of the times I’m told I look younger than my years. It’s simple human nature. We feel young, we think young, we act young… and we want to LOOK young, for as long as possible.

If you read the ads in women’s magazines, you’d think the world is full of anti-aging serums that will make you look young, beautiful, and sexy.

But none of those products works to promote cellular rejuvenation the way LifeCell does.

LifeCell Cream helps to maintain the lifespan of your skin cells with ingredients to help erase the signs of aging
and revive the youth and radiance of younger years.

Look at these results of women in clinical trials :

  • Increased the level of moisture in their skin.
    Life Cell Anti Aging Solutions
  • Reduction in appearance of sun spots. 
  • A decrease in the appearance of redness and pore size. 
  • An improvement in skin tone and elasticity. 

Your Secret Weapon for Youthful Skin

With LifeCell you’ll have a secret weapon that turns back the aging of your skin cells.
Unlike other cosmetics that never make it past the top layer of your skin,
LifeCell is absorbed at the cellular level (20 levels) to repair your DNA and maintain
the youthful appearance you once enjoyed.


Dermatologists Recommend LifecellLifeCell All-In-One Anti-Ageing Cream is FREE of harmful additives :

NO Parabens
NO Mineral Oil
NO Petroleum
NO Artificial Fragances

Love Your Skin Or Your Money Back

Life Cell Guarantee

I guarantee you’re going to love the way your face looks after using LifeCell.
If you’re not entirely happy at ANY TIME just let us know.

But when you discover how radiant and vibrant your skin looks with LifeCell,
you’re not going to want to part with it for any amount of money!

Order now to get started
, and begin experiencing the joy that comes with a healthier, more youthful face.

                                                                              Buy Lifecell

Get 2 tubes of LifeCell Cream and save 15% off the total price. (This special offer is available for a limited time only.)

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The Crucial Link Between Skin Health and Mental Health

You already know that stubborn skin problems can make you feel bad about yourself. Mental Stress
But do you know that it works the other way too?
Your mental and emotional state can be the cause of stubborn skin problems.

Studies show that your skin reacts to the thoughts going on in your head.
And that reaction may be anything from a case of hives to skin conditions
like acne or psoriasis – and even hair loss.

Skin problems can be triggered by stress, emotional shock and negative emotions.
When you ask your doctor what has caused the skin trouble,
it’s unlikely they’ll say that your mind has been responsible.

These days, medical professionals understand the link between illness and the power of your mind.
For example, they commonly accept the link between emotional stress and heart health. Psychodermatology
But many haven’t made that connection with skin conditions.

In a Spanish medical study, a group of people with psoriasis were interviewed and almost half of them
had a serious stressful event in the six months prior to developing their skin problems.

Another study discovered emotional shocks can lead to skin outbreaks or hair loss months – even more than a year – after the shock itself.

Mental and emotional stress has now been proven to affect the health of the skin. 

Psychodermatology is the study of these connections and has been around for more than 20 years.
However it’s not a part of normal medical training.

The University of Massachusetts ran some tests where they took two groups of psoriasis sufferers, and used standard phototherapy on both. But one group also listened to meditation tapes.
The meditation group’s skin cleared up much faster.
And when the team repeated the experiment with different people, the results were the same.

Healthy Mind Healthy Skin

If you feel that your mind may be affecting your skin health the you should seek out a professional psychodermatologist in your area.
You might be able to improve a stubborn skin condition by using mental conditioning.
Adding meditation and guided imagery to your doctor’s treatment, can increase the chances of overcoming your skin problem.

Exercise can be of great assistance for skin conditions that are caused by stress.
Regular exercise improves sleep, which lowers stress levels.
Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which are the ‘feel good hormones’ that improve mood levels.

Exercise also helps ease stress by refocusing your mind.
It’s hard to get through a challenging workout without thinking about what you’re doing.

If you have a stubborn skin condition, and the normal pills and lotions aren’t clearing it up, then psychodermatology, even as an add-on therapy, may be the answer you’re looking for.

In the end, a clearer, healthier mind will bring clearer, healthier skin.

Judy & Team