The amazing benefits of Vitamin B3 also known as Niacin.
Around 10 years ago, I was doing some scientific testing of people’s hearts and looking at their circulation. I would encourage those that required it to take niacin (niacinamide) and ubiquinone (CoQ10 Complex) and most times their heart health improved significantly in only a few weeks.
However, I also noticed another benefit that took many women by surprise. They developed a great sense of well-being and looked years younger. I was seeing first-hand how niacin rejuvenated their skin.
Here’s how it works…
As we get older, our skin dries out. The epidermis and dermis layers become thinner, which leads to wrinkles. Meanwhile, UV rays from the sun oxidise our cells, leaving us with age spots.
Niacin intervenes by promoting the turnover of new skin cells. It repairs sun damage and strengthens the skin’s moisture barrier. All of that creates younger-looking skin.
Niacin repairs DNA, preventing the effects of aging at the source. You’ll generate new, healthy skin cells that replace older cells faster. It also dilates your capillaries which increases blood flow, delivering essential oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells.
As if all that wasn’t enough, it boosts skin hydration. Niacin increases the production of ceramides – skin lipids that prevent water loss. Niacin is also known to cool inflamed skin.
When you use a product with topical niacin in it, you’ll notice your skin looking younger and more vibrant. In one study I read, 50 women aged 40 to 60 used a moisturizer with niacinamide for 12 weeks. It significantly improved fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, texture and red blotchiness.
To help you enjoy the benefits of niacin, we now put Vitamin B3 in our Regenisis Vitamin Serum, STEMULATE and DAYTIME.