This week I want to share more about a vitamin, Vitamin D, that I continue to add into our products and the amazing benefits that it is now known to provide. What it can do when it binds directly to our DNA. I’ve often shared information with you how vitamin D is more than a vitamin – it also can work as a hormone. Now in researching even further I learn it is even more than a hormone. New study shows vitamin D binds directly to your DNA, with some amazing previously unknown benefits. So learning the great benefits it gives our bodies and how absorbed it is through topical application of our products I have put even more dense amounts in. This trans-dermal way is the perfect way of absorbing it.
And what do these vitamins do for you when it’s bound to your DNA? The newest Journal of Immunology shows that it stops inflammation. WOW!! WOW!! as you know inflammation is the under lying cause of multiple diseases.
One modern opinion suggest that we should avoid the sun. However, another suggests the sun is vital, but that we should do it safely. To cover up and stay out of the sunshine completely is about the worst advice you could ever take. The trick is, you need to have enough Vit D to activate the process, but to do it safely.
Studies now say Vit D lowers the risk of cancer in post-menopausal women by as much as 77%. This also makes vitamin D possibly the most important nutrient we know of, especially for women. Living in Queensland does have advantages. But with many of us working indoors we just don’t get enough time in the sun. So, use our products and supplement also.
Current national guidelines suggest that you should get a minimum of only 600 IU (International Units) a day. But look what happens when you only get that small amount.
More than half of people with osteoporosis-related fractured had low vitamin D.
- 63% of people with Crohn’s disease still had low vitamin D even though 40% of them were taking a supplement!
- An incredible 96% of people who had heart attacks were vitamin D deficient.
The problem is, almost everyone is deficient in Vit D. I’m not exaggerating. One study looked at 1,600 people and found 89% of them had low vitamin D. I could go on and on.
Many people do their best to get in the sun and take supplements. But often their levels of vitamin D are still too low. So the next time you go to your doctor for a check-up ask him to test your level of vitamin D. It’s a simple, inexpensive test that provides valuable information.
It is suggested you aim for a minimum of 2,000 IU of vitamin D a day. If you get your level tested and it’s low, research suggests between 5,000 and 10,000 IU a day from a variety of sources until you’re levels are back up..
Studies show as little as 10 minutes in the midday sun (safely) produces 10,000 units of vitamin D. You feel instantly better. My husband and I will often catch the sun at lunchtime but every day still takes around 2,000 IU of supplementation.
Eating fish a few times a week will give you a lot of vitamin D, too. You might want to stick with the smaller, cold-water fish like sardines to avoid the mercury in some of the larger fish.
I suggest the D3 form – the bioactive kind of Vit D. But don’t rely on your multivitamin to give you all the vitamin D you need, even if it does have D3. It’s a good start, but most still only have around 400 IU.
Today I am very Happy/proud to say the more I have added Vit D to the CELL INFUSE products, the better the formulation are. And, importantly, in turn you have beauty inside and out. Trans-dermal application of Vitamin D has been shown to be one of the best ways to ensure you receive what your body needs. CELL Infuse has you covered!!