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The Free Natural Anti-Aging Technique

intuition for anti-ageingI’d like to talk today about real natural anti-aging – and how great it can be for your health and wellbeing. First though, let’s start with a little problem we have as a culture. We spend so much time living in our heads – analyzing, planning, predicting – that we don’t pay enough attention to intuition, even though it’s so important for being healthy and happy.

Our language still remembers the importance of intuition. We have those great phrases:

“I’ve got butterflies in my stomach…”

“I’ve got a gut feeling…”

“My stomach is in knots just thinking about this…”

“Follow your gut…”

Interestingly, science validates some of what our ancestors were talking about. We now know that the stomach is filled with neurons that help determine our mental state (what’s known as the enteric nervous system, or ‘second brain’).

awareness for health and happinessIn many ancient medical traditions (such as Ayurveda), caring for the gut and ensuring good digestion is at the heart of good health. So let’s bring back the gut back to our everyday focus. Back to Natural Anti-Aging though – here at LifeCell Australia, we know it doesn’t start and stop with a product you apply to your skin. We need to use our intuition to weed out those high stress, toxic influences in our life that age us and attack our health.

Intuition, more than reason is what lets us know we’re in the wrong career, relationship or lifestyle or around acquaintances that bring us down. Unfortunately, she whispers, so we have to bring silent, reflective time into our lives to hear her. And we’ll hear her in the gut.

Hearing that voice is the easiest part though. Taking action takes courage and energy. However, with better health and happiness as your reward, it’s worth the effort.

If you don’t already, try taking 10 minutes every day to still your mind and bring intuition back into your life.

believe in your intuition1. The first step is awareness. Sit quietly, relax your breathing and look over the different areas of your life that need attention.

2. The second step is intention.  Decide on the changes you’d like to make and declare them so they’re clear in your mind.

3. The third step is taking action to integrate the changes into your everyday life. In other words, create your reality, rather than just let it happen to you.

This can be done immediately and routinely.  Begin today!!

Let me know personally how you go? Email to

Yours in good health,
Judy and the LCA Team

2 thoughts on “The Free Natural Anti-Aging Technique

  1. I am really impressed with your advice

  2. Very nice article. It was really very impressed advice. Aging is a part of life, but it does not have to take over the body in such negative ways. While living in today’s hectic societies, we are exposed to numerous health hazards such as pollution, industrial emissions, harmful sun exposure and stress. Still, the use of natural way to offset some of that damage.

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