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A must for over 35 year olds

If you have blown the candles out for your 35th birthday, or older and are still not using a Vitamin C serum, I would encourage you too. And here’s why….

From Scurvy To Skin Care

healthy skin with Vitamin CThe most famous Vitamin C tale involves a group of sailors who ran out of oranges at sea and suffered terrible scurvy. What’s less well known (and maybe less macho) is that those sailors also would have had terrible skin. Vitamin C is a key ingredient in healthy skin.

It protects your cells from DNA damage and heals wounds. DNA damage from the sun and pollutants increase your cancer risk and harm your appearance. It’s very exciting to know that Vitamin C can also help reverse this damage once it’s happened, since Vitamin C has both protective and restorative properties.

Vitamin CIn response, researchers recently provided a Vitamin C derivative to people and found that it helped activate several genes involved in skin regeneration. Since Vitamin C can protect and repair your skin, it’s best to apply it in the morning and then again in the evening after cleansing.

This will help your skin recover from environmental damage it receives during the day. Make sure you use Vitamin C that comes in a bottle with a pump rather than a jar. Vitamin C in a jar is more likely to deteriorate from air and sunlight.

Vitamin C SerumIf you’re over 35, I’d encourage you to use a Vitamin C serum regularly. I was a hesitant at first, thinking that some of the beauty products I use contain Vitamin C anyway. However, that’s not enough, you need to just a product that contains all of the right ingredients to accompany the Vitamin C.

To get the right amount of Vitamin C into your skin, consider using a little Regenisis Vitamin Serum followed by other moisturisers or anti-aging creams on your face and neck. Alternatively, mix the Regenisis Vitamin Serum with your moisturiser and apply it. You’ll be thrilled at your firm, glowing and healthy looking skin.

Here’s to more beautiful skin,
Judy and  Team



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