What is Ferulic Acid and why does your skin need it?

skin care benefits of Ferulic Acid - Anti aging products

Ferulic acid is a potent natural, plant-based antioxidant that acts as a self-preserving, protective element for the fruit or plant. It is something that I look to use in an appropriate role in the production of my skin care products. 

It is a naturally occurring AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) which can exfoliate the uppermost layers of skin when formulated correctly and is also part of the hydroxycinnamic acids family – a class of aromatic acids or phenylpropanoids.

Ferulic acid has come into the spotlight due to its free radical scavenging ability and its capability to synergistically boost the effectiveness of other antioxidants, such as Vitamins A, C, and E.

Like other antioxidants, ferulic acid is designed to reduce the aging effects that damaging free radicals have on our skin.

Benefits of Ferulic Acid in Skin Care Products:

  • Ferulic Acid benefits for skinAssists in skin’s regeneration of healthy cells.
  • Supports collagen production
  • Helps to improve the skin’s natural barrier function
  • Brightens the skin, improves texture & evens uneven skin tone
  • Suitable for all skin types – particularly aging and sun damaged skin
  • Works well as a preventative anti-aging product
  • Protects overall skin integrity by reducing the development of fine lines, spots, and wrinkles
  • Helps to stabilise and enhance the efficacy of Vitamin C and E
  • Fights off free radicals!

Why Does Our Skin Loves Ferulic Acid?

Oxidative stress in the skin’s tissue is a key reason why our skin ages. This oxidative stress is caused by free radicals overtaking our skins antioxidant defence and can result in visible signs of aging such as wrinkles, dullness, age spots and loss of elasticity. It’s important to boost the levels of antioxidants in our skin, as they are there to fight free radicals and prevent damage from occurring in the first place.

In one study it suggests that ferulic acid has the potential to offer twice the amount of photoprotection when combined with Vitamins C and E. It was also noted that such antioxidant combinations could reduce someone’s risk of future photo-aging and, possibly, skin cancer, That makes these native limes even more exciting!




My “Look Younger” Guarantee

In Our Regenisis Vitamin Serum

The Vitamins alone in CELL INFUSE Regenisis Vitamin Serum have over 30 benefits! So it truly is a Supercharged Product. Most products in the market today are ‘Single Vitamin’’ focused. At CELL INFUSE we capture 6 x Vitamins in the one product in our Regenisis Serum.

Vitamin A

  • Smooths the skin as is a proven wrinkle fighter.
  • Great at combating signs of aging.
  • It encourages healthy skin cell production.
  • It protects against UV damage.
  • Also protects against infection.

Vitamin B3

  • Niacinamide helps build keratin, a type of protein that keeps your skin firm and healthy.
  • Lipid barrier.
  • Minimizes redness and blotchiness.
  • Minimizes pore appearance.
  • Regulates oil.
  • Protects against sun damage.
  • Treats hyper-pigmentation.
  • Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.

six amazing vitamins for skin careVitamin B5

  • It Is a Natural Hydrator.
  • Works as an Anti-Aging Product.
  • Stimulates skin healing process.
  • Anti-Inflammatory.
  • Strengthens Skin immune system.

Vitamin C

  • Block Free Radicals.
  • Restore Moisture.
  • Minimize Fine Lines and Wrinkles.
  • Boost Collagen Production.
  • Protect Against UV Rays.
  • Fight Off Fatigue on Skin.
  • Soothe Irritation.

Vitamin D

  • Contributes to skin cell growth, and repair.
  • Helps destroy free radicals that can cause premature aging.
  • It optimizes the skin’s immune system.

Vitamin E

  • Softens skin.
  • Can diminish permanent marks on the skin.
  • Great antioxidant.


CELL INFUSE Regenisis Vitamin Serum is available to order now for just $59.

A must for over 35 year olds

If you have blown the candles out for your 35th birthday, or older and are still not using a Vitamin C serum, I would encourage you too. And here’s why….

From Scurvy To Skin Care

healthy skin with Vitamin CThe most famous Vitamin C tale involves a group of sailors who ran out of oranges at sea and suffered terrible scurvy. What’s less well known (and maybe less macho) is that those sailors also would have had terrible skin. Vitamin C is a key ingredient in healthy skin.

It protects your cells from DNA damage and heals wounds. DNA damage from the sun and pollutants increase your cancer risk and harm your appearance. It’s very exciting to know that Vitamin C can also help reverse this damage once it’s happened, since Vitamin C has both protective and restorative properties.

Vitamin CIn response, researchers recently provided a Vitamin C derivative to people and found that it helped activate several genes involved in skin regeneration. Since Vitamin C can protect and repair your skin, it’s best to apply it in the morning and then again in the evening after cleansing.

This will help your skin recover from environmental damage it receives during the day. Make sure you use Vitamin C that comes in a bottle with a pump rather than a jar. Vitamin C in a jar is more likely to deteriorate from air and sunlight.

Vitamin C SerumIf you’re over 35, I’d encourage you to use a Vitamin C serum regularly. I was a hesitant at first, thinking that some of the beauty products I use contain Vitamin C anyway. However, that’s not enough, you need to just a product that contains all of the right ingredients to accompany the Vitamin C.

To get the right amount of Vitamin C into your skin, consider using a little Regenisis Vitamin Serum followed by other moisturisers or anti-aging creams on your face and neck. Alternatively, mix the Regenisis Vitamin Serum with your moisturiser and apply it. You’ll be thrilled at your firm, glowing and healthy looking skin.

Here’s to more beautiful skin,
Judy and  Team



The Queen of Anti-Aging Vitamins

Niacin - Vitamin B3Of all the vitamins out there – there’s one that stands out in keeping you looking young. Interestingly, you might have seen it on ads for things like digestion and athletic performance. Let’s leave your Iron Woman training aside for a moment though and see how great it can be for your skin – Niacin!

Around 7 years ago, I was doing some testing of people’s hearts and looking at their circulation. I would encourage those that required it to take niacin (niacinamide) and ubiquinone (CoQ10 Complex) and their heart health improved significantly in only a few weeks.

However, I also noticed another benefit that took many women by surprise. They developed a great sense of wellbeing and looked years younger. I was seeing first-hand how niacin rejuvenated their skin.

Here’s how it worksniacin benefits skin care

As we get older, our skin dries out. The epidermis and dermis layers become thinner, which leads to wrinkles. Meanwhile, UV rays from the sun oxidise our cells, leaving us with age spots.

Niacin intervenes by promoting the turnover of new skin cells. It repairs sun damage and strengthens the skin’s moisture barrier. All of that creates younger-looking skin.

Niacin repairs DNA, preventing the effects of aging at the source. You’ll generate new, healthy skin cells that replace older cells faster. It also dilates your capillaries which increases blood flow, delivering essential oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells.

niacinamide for youthful appearanceAs if all that wasn’t enough, it boosts skin hydration. Niacin increases the production of ceramides – skin lipids that prevent water loss. Niacin is also known to cool inflamed skin.

When you use a product with topical niacin in it, you’ll notice your skin looking younger and more vibrant. In one study I read, 50 women aged 40 to 60 used a moisturizer with niacinamide for 12 weeks. It significantly improved fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, texture and red blotchiness.

To help you enjoy the benefits of niacin, we created Regenisis Vitamin Serum. It’s rich in niacin along with Vitamin B5, C, E and A, and organic bio-active extracts. This product has made such a difference to not only my skin, but many of our customers. People have found their skin smoother, more youthful and radiant.

Contact us to find out more.

Here’s to a more beautiful you!
Judy &  Team