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CoQ10 – Anti-Aging Antioxidant Powerhouse

The Antioxidant Powerhouse

A super anti-aging antioxidant that improves the health of your heart, brain and skin, while also boosting your energy and vitality. 

It fights off the environmental threats that accelerate aging skin, making your skin dull, sagging, and wrinkled.
It creates a youthful glow from the inside out, keeping the cells in your skin younger, longer.
It’s called… Ubidecarenone.

What is Ubidecarenone?

CoQ10Ubidecarenone, also known as Coenzyme Q10, CoQ10, and Ubiquinone, plays an essential role in the production
of energy in all cells. It is important for the health of virtually all human tissues and organs.

The Ubiquinol is the most active and absorbable form of CoQ10 available. It keeps your levels of CoQ10 high up to 8 times longer than regular CoQ10.

Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful anti-oxidant which can neutralize the damaging free radicals that play a large part in the aging process. The body’s production of natural antioxidants decreases with age, which is thought to be at least part of the reason for the typical loss of energy, stamina, and mental alertness associated with growing older.
However, research on the effect of supplemental CoQ10 has shown that boosting the levels of this compound can have dramatically positive results.

Coenzyme Q10 is an essential component of healthy mitochondrial function. It is incorporated into cells’ mitochondria throughout the body where it facilitates and regulates the oxidation of fats and sugars into energy. Aging humans have been found to have over 50% less CoQ10 on average compared to that of young adults. This finding makes CoQ10 one of the most important nutrients for people over 30 to supplement with. About 95% of cellular energy is produced in the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the cells “energy powerhouses” and many maladies have been referred to as “mitochondrial disorders.” A growing body of scientific research links a deficiency of CoQ10 to age-related mitochondrial disorders.

Co enzymeQ10 health benefits

Benefits of taking Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10 is one of the most promising tools in the anti-aging arsenal.
Research and clinical studies show that CoQ10 has a wide range of additional important health benefits, including:

Greater focus and clarity in thinking
Increased energy and its sustainability
Lowering of hypertension and blood pressure
Strong antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals
Decreased risks for diseases that are neurodegenerative like Parkinson’s
Relief for migraine headaches

By taking Ubiquinol CoQ10 supplements you may be able to increase your energy levels, improve cholesterol, high blood pressure Co Q10 And Heart Healthand even slow or reverse aging or disease. Most organs function better with optimum CoQ10 levels: brain, eye, heart, gums, immune system, and muscle.

Studies in endurance athletes have shown an improvement in both anaerobic and aerobic performance. Other studies showed an improvement in muscle recovery. These studies included cross country skiers, and martial arts athletes that had long training sessions.

The antioxidant power of CoQ10 also makes it an excellent natural anti-aging solution. Free radicals are destroyed, energy and vitality is increased and cells are brought back to a stable, healthy condition that might have been lost during mid-life.
According to a published scientific study CoQ10 prevents skeletal decline by improving communication between genes and cells in the body.
Since it can speed up the metabolism of fats, is one of the best supplements to help overweight people loss their excess weight.

Benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oil

Omega 3 Fish Oil is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can provide an anti-inflammatory action within the body. Heart Health
It can help to reduce inflammation and joint swelling associated with arthritis.
Fish oil helps to maintain and support a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.
It can assist in the maintenance of normal eye and brain function, as well as decreasing fat (triglycerides) in the blood in healthy people.

Studies on omega-3 fatty acids are so impressive that an agency of the National Institutes of Health published a report stating that fish oil can help reduce deaths from heart disease. The FDA itself states supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may actually reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

The ultimate solution is to purchase some high quality CoQ10 plus fish oil supplements. Also consider the powerful effects CoQ10 can have when applied directly onto the skin as an anti-aging treatment. Find out more about CELL Infuse CoQ10 Complex and how it can help you improve the health and youthfulness of your skin now.