Enhance Your Skin And Take Out The Rubbish.

By blog@lifecellaustralia.com.au.au

Sauna Benefits For Skin

We already know that our body excretes (sweats) to cool you down. But perspiring is also our body’s natural way to get rid of waste and pollutants.

The best part is, it rejuvenates your skin.

Today I would like to share a safe and enjoyable method of detox. I’ll tell you from personal experience along with research how you can benefit from taking a sauna and how to do it safely.

It can be faster than any other natural method of detox because it opens pores, so you can flush out impurities more efficiently.

Saunas also improve circulation and oxygenate your tissues. And a sauna session can relieve stress, arthritis symptoms, and bring nutrients to the surface for younger-looking skin.

Relieve Stress

Steam’s a good treatment for respiratory conditions, such as laryngitis, chest congestion, bronchitis and sinusitis. Sauna bathing helps relieve and ward off symptoms of cold or flu. And it revives tired and strained muscles after strenuous activity. Perspiration regulates body temperature and improves your circulation. Even better, it eliminates waste, pollutants and toxins, and stops them from building up.

During a 10-20 minute sauna, your heart rate increases by 50-75%. This can provide some of the same metabolic results as exercise. The heat causes blood vessels in your skin to expand and increase blood flow. Blood flow to the skin increases too, as high as 50-70% of cardiac output.

This also brings nutrients to surface tissues resulting in healthier, youthful skin. 

Approximately 30% of your body’s wastes pass through the skin. Taking a sauna bath increases the
detoxifying capacity of the skin by opening pores and flushing impurities from the body efficiently.

Sauna Skin Benefits

When taking a sauna, skin temperature rises to 104°F and internal body temperature rises to about 100.4°F. This stimulates the immune system resulting in increased production of disease fighting white blood cells, antibodies.

Tumours, viruses, and toxin-loaded cells are weaker than normal cells. These weaker cells don’t tolerate heat very well. Hyperthermia or fever therapy helps combat infections and even cancer. Saunas enhance circulation and oxygenate your tissues. This allows wounds and infections to heal more quickly.

Most reasonably healthy people can reap the health benefits of sauna. The main risk of a sauna is staying in too long and fainting from overheating. People who are most susceptible to this are those with heart disease or who have been drinking alcohol. It isn’t a good idea to combine drinking with a sauna.

Repeated use of the sauna slowly restores your body’s natural ability for waste elimination.
Removal of toxic chemicals and metals through sauna can be faster than with any other natural method of detox.

Sauna Benefits Skin

Do consider this form of detox, I would always suggest this for husband & wives to do together when I was doing talks previously around Australia.

Tips for a safe Sauna

* Drink 2 glasses of water before your sauna.

* The best sauna temperature range is from 102 – 106ºF.

* Relax by reading or listening to music – your body will excrete more easily.

* Gently scrub your skin to remove sweat and toxins.

* Rest and re adjust for a few minutes after any sauna session.

* Redness at the site of an old infection or a funny taste in your mouth is not uncommon as you detoxify.

Hot Sauna

* Take a cool shower afterwards to return your body temperature to normal.

* Drink another 2 glasses of water.

For best effect, repeat this practice at least once a week.

Find a sauna near you, and let us know your results on support@lifecellaustralia.com.au.au
We would love to hear from you!

Until next week stay healthy and simply beautiful!


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