Should You Consider Going Gluten-Free?

You’ve no doubt heard by now that gluten is something more and more people are avoiding. Is this the right choice for you? Only you can decide that. All I can do is tell you my story and what I know about gluten and let you make up your mind from there.

I have always been an advocate of good food. For a number of years, I went completely gluten-free however today I have scaled it back somewhat and eat gluten-free most of the time (I do love a small piece of rye bread at times). I’ve found a healthy diet has many positive effects physically and mentally, and helps keep me biologically young, lean and strong into my more mature years.

So what is a healthy diet? I’ll tell you what I told clients at the Nutritional Institute: for lunch and dinner, a serve of protein the size of the palm of your hand with low-glycaemic carbohydrates (salad or vegetables). For breakfast, poached or boiled eggs along with avocado, tomato and greens or a large protein smoothie with the right combination of fruits.

My gluten-free journey

natural gluten free dietHealthy Skin: My skin glows when I’m eating good, clean/nourishing foods and drinking plenty of alkalizing water.

More Energy: Eating small, healthy meals throughout the day has given me more energy. It assists in balancing my blood sugar levels allowing me to perform/work for longer hours.

Mental Clarity: When I am well rested and eating well, I find I have more mental alertness and better clarity.  I’m better able to focus and concentrate because my body isn’t wasting energy digesting inferior food.

Improved Digestion: With my history of cancer, eating the correct good/ clean foods combined with the right natural supplements, prayer or meditation does wonders for keeping me feeling balanced.

Better Moods: Goodbye to the ups and downs, hello to a nicer/calmer person! Feeling energetic throughout the day has made me a happier and more positive person.

6 reasons to consider giving up gluten

(1) Gastrointestinal (stomach, and digestive system) problems. These can include one or some of the following: gas, bloating, queasiness, abdominal cramping, constipation, diarrhoea, or an alternating combination of both. This is sometimes known as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

(2) Headaches and/or migraines.

(3) Fibromyalgia. This is not a disease, it’s a syndrome. Fibro= Connective Tissue; Myo= Muscle; Algia= Pain; generalised aching of joints and muscles.

(4) Emotional issues involving chronic irritability and sudden, irrational mood shifts.

clarity of mind(5) Neurological issues, including dizziness, difficulty balancing, and peripheral neuropathy affecting nerves outside the central nervous system and resulting in pain, weakness, tingling or numbness in the extremities.

(6) Fatigue, whether chronic or after every meal. Chronic fatigue syndrome, like fibromyalgia is often diagnosed because the doctor can’t locate the cause of your fatigue.

Sometimes these symptoms appear right after meals and don’t last long. In other cases, the symptoms can last for weeks or even chronically, which often leads to the diagnosis of an autoimmune disease instead of gluten intolerance.

CELL Infuse Super Greens is gluten-free.

For all these reasons and more, I decided to take the extra step of using sprouted wheatgrass in CELL Infuse Super Greens. This way, you get the wonderful benefits of the wheatgrass (all the vitamins plus 17 amino acids) without the gluten.

Benefits of sprouted wheatgrass:

gluten-free-green-drink1. Regulates normal cell growth: Studies show that wheatgrass juice can have a powerful ability to regulate cell growth.
2. Powerful detoxifier: Wheatgrass can protect the liver and the blood, and neutralises toxic substances like cadmium, nicotine, strontium, mercury and polyvinyl chloride.
3. Blood builder: The chlorophyll in wheatgrass is almost identical in chemical composition to haemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in the blood.

Here’s to better health and living!
Judy & team