Green Tea Benefits For Skin Care

Green Tea Benefits For Skin CareGreen Tea

Green tea is now used in skin care products to treat various skin disorders, and could help immensely in the battle against skin cancer. Of all the antioxidants known to mankind, the components of green tea are the most potent.

Here’s what green tea can do for your skin health:

1. Fights free Radicals
Free radicals occur naturally in the body due to excessive sun exposure, pollution and smoking. Benefits of green tea skin are explained by the powerful antioxidants found in this drink, which increase the antioxidant capacity of tissues and blood.

2. Younger Skin Cells
It has been proven that products based on the extract of this type of tea reverse the aging process at the cellular level, so with this in mind, you should start using these products to prevent your skin cells to deteriorate . Remember it is easier to prevent than to fight against the aging effect. Used regularly, skin products containing green tea increases the elasticity of the skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

3. Neutralizes the UV Light
The benefits of sunscreen green tea are well documented so you can apply a product on that basis your sunscreen regularly, next time you go to the beach. And since exposure to sunlight is a major factor in skin aging, it is a way of green tea creams can prevent premature aging.

Green Tea Plant 4. Prevents Skin Cancer
The positive effects of green tea when it comes to preventing and fighting against cancer are well known. The content is rich in polyphenols which fight free radicals are among the leading causes of cellular mutations leading to skin cancer. As in most cases of skin cancer is a preventable disease, you should start drinking and using green tea products on your skin as soon as possible.

5. Reduces Inflammation
Because of its constituents, it has potent anti-inflammatory. People who suffer from skin diseases like psoriasis, dandruff, rosacea, or those whose skin is just sensitive can benefit from its calming effect.

6. Fights Acne
Acne is a skin disease widespread affecting a large percentage of people under 40. In addition to the beneficial properties already mentioned above, the catechins in green tea are anti-bacterial and they also regulate hormonal activity. A 2003 study showed that green tea cream is as good as the cream of benzoyl peroxide, but without any side effect.

The green tea benefits for skin care have been confirmed by numerous studies. The beneficial properties of green tea can be experienced by drinking it or applying it directly to the skin via a lotion or cleanser.

LifeCell Cleanser contains Green Tea along with other powerful ingredients including Resveratrol, Rosemary, Tea Tree Oil and Cucumber. It’s available now for just $39 and will last up to a year of daily use. Take care of your skin with this natural, antioxidant face wash cleanser and start enjoying the skin care benefits of green tea now.


Green Tea Benefits For Skin Care


WARNING – Some Skin Care Products Can Be Harmful To Your Body

The ingredients used in some skin care products can harm your body and may even be dangerous to your health.
It pays to learn exactly what you are putting on your skin and the potential side effects.

Here are some of the warnings that other manufacturers make about the ingredients they use in their own products:

  • “Harmful… through skin absorption.”
  • “Corrosive.”
  • “May cause harm to the unborn child.”
  • “Skin contact… may produce pain, redness, severe irritation or full thickness burns.”
  • “May be absorbed through the skin with possible systemic effects.”

These companies are required to warn their employees… but not you!  Very interesting.
We know these chemicals accumulate in the body, causing a toxic build up which may lead to disease.

Nearly 9 out of 10 ingredients in today’s cosmetics haven’t been properly tested.
And you’ll find one or more untested ingredients in 99% of the cosmetic products on store shelves today.

In other words, almost any health and beauty product you pull off the shelf is a little safety experiment, and you’re the guinea pig.

What experiments are you involved in?

Here are just a few:

Some nail products and hair gels contain formaldehyde – which is known to cause liver, kidney and skin damage.

Phthalates are a class of solvents used in bath oils, blushes, nail polishes and a host of baby products. Phthalates also mimic the “female” hormone estrogen. According to a report from Texas Women’s University, they’re linked to early-onset puberty in girls.

Triclosan, a common anti-bacterial agent, is found in nearly every brand of toothpaste. It’s also the germ-killing ingredient in most hand sanitizers – and a host of other products. Animal studies show triclosan can throw hormones out of balance – including the hormones that control blood pressure, body temperature and growth rate.
