Four Natural Ways to Fade Age Spots

Age Spots

“How can I get rid of these spots on my hands?”

That’s one question I get asked a lot here on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. Maybe it’s because we’re in the “Sunshine State.” But if you’ve tried countless moisturizers and anti-aging serums without relief, there could be another factor at work, too.

Soaking up the sun is a way of life in Queensland and that’s a good thing. Sunshine is the best way to get your vitamin D, the wonder vitamin that can lessen your risk of cancer and heart disease, and strengthens your bones. That news is exciting.

But the sun can also cause those brown spots to appear on your hands, arms, chest and other areas that get a lot of sun.
Pregnancy and aging can cause them too.

Queensland Sun

In medical terms, they’re called lentigines. You might call them age spots or liver spots, although they have nothing to do with your liver. They form when UV light from the sun causes you to produce melanin – the same pigment that gives you a tan. When the melanin builds up in certain areas, you’re left with the sun spots.

They’re not harmful, but many women want to get rid of them. A lot of people ask about skin lightening creams you can buy over the counter. But I don’t suggest those.

These creams are packed with harsh toxins, parabens, alcohol or worse. For example, one of the most well-known lightening agents is hydroquinone. It’s quite controversial. Many dermatologists call it safe when used properly…but animal studies have found it to be carcinogenic, and also disruptive to the immune system.

Dangerous side effects have been reported in Africa, where skin bleaching is common and women use hydroquinone and other lightening chemicals for a long period of time. Complications include bluish black discoloration of the skin, abnormal hair growth,
painful lesions, hypertension, and adrenal problems, among other things.

Skin Lightening Cream Hazards

But there could be something even worse lurking in skin lightening creams… mercury. Sometimes it’s right on the label as mercurous chloride, mercurio or calomel – but it’s not always listed. The results of this potent neurotoxin can affect the mind and body, causing gastrointestinal and perhaps kidney damage, extreme fatigue, difficulty breathing and loss of coordination. Right now, the health departments in some areas are investigating the resurgence of mercury poisoning as a result of skin lightening creams.

There are better ways to even out your skin tone – naturally. Here’s what I recommend…

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice. Squeeze some fresh lemon juice onto a cotton round and gently massage it over your sun spots.
Leave it on for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on your skin’s sensitivity.
Rinse thoroughly.
The results will be gradual but usually noticeable within 2 weeks.
Take before-and-after photos for the fun of it.
If your skin is sensitive to the lemon juice, try mixing it with chamomile or yogurt.
One thing you should know lemon juice can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so I recommend using it at night.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile. This herb is very gentle and great for fading sun spots.
First, brew a strong tea. Let it cool to a temperature that’s comfortable for your skin and apply it the age spots.
If you have widespread age spots, try throwing a few tea bags into a bath.

. There’s a good reason yogurt is a popular ingredient in do-it-yourself skin care.
It has lactic acid (LA), a natural alpha-hydroxy acid.
Preliminary research has shown that LA may help promote cell turnover and interfere with melanin formation.
Yogurt is also anti-bacterial, which makes it great for acne. Use plain, organic, unsweetened yogurt for best results.

Natural Yoghurt

Retinoids. If the other methods don’t get you the results you want, talk to your health care provider about using retinoids.
(You’ve probably heard of the brand name Retin-A, but there are many others.)
These are very effective for correcting discoloration and evening out skin tone.
Retinoids also make your skin much more sensitive to the sun, so it’s important to be aware of your exposure.

Until next week enjoy the sun, but remember to much can age us also.

Here’s to a simply more beautiful you!




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Skip the Invasive Injections with these 5 Anti-Aging Secrets

Aloe Vera

It’s scary what people will do to hide their age. They have surgical procedures or use expensive, toxic cosmetic injections that don’t always work. We’re talking of course about invasive cosmetic work that can be a concentrated form of toxins. It temporarily paralyzes the muscles under the skin. This makes wrinkles appear less dramatic.

Often only a temporary fix that wears off… And it comes with risks, too.

Some risks are just cosmetic, such as drooping eyelids. But there can be some pretty dangerous side effects. Some people can experience shortness of breath, muscle weakness, vision problems, and even loss of bladder control as side affects.

If you want to have smooth and supple skin, these 5 solutions are safe, natural alternatives.. And they don’t wear off.

1. Avoid Sugar: The more sugar you eat, the older you’ll look. This happens through a process known as glycation.
Glycation occurs when sugars bind to proteins and fats in the body. This damages sensitive protein fibers like elastin and collagen.
And it’s a major reason for signs of advanced aging among people with diabetes. If you want to look younger and protect your skin, stay away from breads, candy, and hidden sugars in processed foods.

Resveratrol From Red Wine

2. Embrace Aloe Vera: No, not the green goo that you put on sunburns. The real stuff works much better. Get yourself an Aloe Vera plant and squeeze the gel from a leaf. The gel is a natural moisturizer. Even better, the natural antioxidants in the gel will help eliminate free radicals that can cause crow’s feet in the first place. Keep it wrapped in the refrigerator. The cooling effect will freshen your eyes.

3. Pine Bark Extract: This is one of nature’s best-kept secrets. Pine bark extract—also known as pycnogenol—can increase skin elasticity and hydration by up to twenty-five percent in only twelve weeks. Pine bark extract raises your levels of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid provides moisture and keeps the skin firm. Firm skin means fewer wrinkles.

4. Resveratrol: Raise your glass to younger looking skin. Naturally occurring resveratrol, found in red wine and berries, activates SIRIT1 production in the body. This creates sirtuins in the body that help slow cell aging. Slowing cell aging is one of the keys to reversing physical signs of aging. You probably won’t get enough from wine to make a difference (sorry). We suggest supplementing with our LifeCell Collagen Booster. It contains pure, ultra potency Resveratrol and Super-Antioxidants, making it the easy way to maintain a healthy body on the inside and out. Click here for more info.

Natural Skin Care With Vitamin E

5. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals. This keeps cells functioning properly and reduces cell damage. But vitamin E goes a step further by boosting collagen production in the body. Collagen keeps the skin supple and firm, which keeps you looking young. Vitamin E is easy to find naturally in nuts, eggs, and avocados.

Injections are temporary. And they can cause concerns for some people.You don’t have to get jabbed with needles to have younger-looking skin. Start with these five natural anti-aging solutions, along with our LifeCell All-in One Anti-Ageing Cream and you’ll keep people guessing what you are doing. The results will be evident externally and you will vitality you haven’t known before.

Here’s to looking simply beautiful!

Life Cell Collagen Booster


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Bamboo’s Beauty Booster

Bamboo For Beauty

For more than 2,000 years, Chinese medicine has used one single secret for young-looking hair, skin AND nails. I’m talking about the common bamboo plant or Bambusa vulgaris.

In China, bamboo is a symbol for longevity. It regenerates itself faster than any other plant in the world. Some species will grow up to four feet every day. Bamboo grows fast and thick and constantly renews itself because it’s rich in the essential mineral silica. That’s the same mineral that makes your hair and nails grow fast and strong, and regenerates your skin

Bamboo’s Silica Helps Repair and Rebuild Collagen

Silica is one of the most critical components of collagen, your skin’s connective tissue.
Collagen is like scaffolding holding up the structure of your skin. Whenever collagen is damaged,
that scaffolding weakens and your skin can start to wrinkle and sag.


When that happens, silica steps in to rebuild and regenerate the collagen matrix. It strengthens all of the body’s other connective tissues, too, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone.

Silica is also a vital mineral to you if you have thinning hair or brittle nails. It transports essential nutrients to the ends of the body, namely your hair and nails. That ensures that hair follicles and nail beds get all the vital minerals needed for growth and vitality.

When you were young, you had lots of natural silica. That’s why children always seem to have beautiful silky hair, soft skin and perfect nails. But as adults, we lose 10 to 40 mg of silica every day. It’s excreted in urine, or lost when hair falls out or when we trim our nails.

If you’re over 40 you’re probably deficient in silica. Tell-tale signs are new wrinkles, thinning hair and brittle nails.
But you can reverse all that just by replenishing your silica stores.

Bamboo Silica Rebuilds Collagen

Boost Your Silica Levels With Bamboo Extract

We can get some silica from our food. Young bamboo shoots are an excellent source. Seafood, leafy greens, root vegetables, almonds, seeds, whole grains and even beer are good sources of silica.

But modern chemical farming practices have depleted the soil of trace minerals and other nutrients. Many of our foods can’t deliver enough silica. That’s why I would suggest silica in a supplement form. I usually will introduce silica into my nutritional regime for six months of the year.

Here’s to looking more youthful



                                                   Foods Rich In Silica


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The Truth About Your Aging Bones

Aging Bones

I want to share some latest information coming through from the US doctors, some I have been closely associated with for some years, but they continue to release information allowing us to make choices in our future health. Life is a choice! Nobody looks after your health better than you yourself.

Just as I received below.

Boniva, Fosamax, Actonel, and those other drugs for thinning bones have become really big business for big pharma.
Now it appears that whole system has provided more profit for the drug companies than benefit for the patients.

A German research team recently dug a little deeper with a disturbing discovery.
The first thing researchers saw when they looked at the samples of weak bone were tiny breaks all over the bone surfaces.
Those are called microfractures, and you find them on older, weaker bone. So they’re nothing new.

Benefits Of Vitamin D

But what shocked researchers was that these “older” bones also had high bone mineral density. They had all the characteristics of older bones, with overly mature collagen molecules and mineral crystals. This should be a signal to modern medicine that it remove its head from the sand and pay attention. Because this study is one more piece of evidence they have it all wrong on how to keep your bones young and strong.

The truth is that those bisphosphonate drugs disrupt natural bone remodeling and give people these same “older” bone characteristics. The bone that’s deep inside never gets shed and replaced. Bones get denser with their drugs, but with old bone cells. So if you take these drugs, your bones get more brittle and more prone to fracture, not stronger.

If the researchers had been paying attention, they would have noticed that their research showed that the people with the most vitamin D had the youngest-looking bones.

By preventing bone loss, vitamin D:


* Reduces risk of breaking a bone in any part of the body by 33%
* Reduces risk of a breaking a hip by 69%
* Reduces risk of osteomalacia

You don’t have weak bones because of a deficiency of bone drugs. Your body needs vitamin D. It is both a hormone and a vitamin, and it’s your bone strength director, It tells your body how much calcium to store in your bones for example. Too little vitamin D can lead to thin, brittle bones and osteoporosis.

So here are there recommendations for building strong bones that will last you your entire life. Just follow these three easy steps and you never have to worry about the threat of weak, soft bones again.

Step 1) Sun power: The best source of vitamin D is sunshine. You don’t need more than 20 minutes out in the sun to get all your vitamin D for the day. But since we spend most of our time inside in the modern world, and the seasons and weather
can affect how much you make from sunshine, you might need vitamin D from other sources.


Step 2) Real food: Animal products are the best natural sources of vitamin D. Salmon, mackerel, tuna fish, sardines, eggs, beef and cheese. Mushrooms are the only vegetable with vitamin D. Cod liver oil is also an abundant natural vitamin D source. The best kind is cold-pressed. Take up to one tablespoon a day and you’ll get over 1,200 IU of vitamin D. Try to stay away from fake foods like white bread and cereal “fortified” with vitamin D. They have the nutrients processed out of them, and have the wrong form of vitamin D put back in.

Step 3) The right form: If you aren’t able to get enough through food or sunshine, you can also get vitamin D from supplements. They recommend 5,000 IU every day. Make sure you look for the D3 form. This is the bioactive kind of vitamin D. Processed foods have the D2 form, which is usually synthetic. Plus, your body has to convert it to D3. Also, remember not to rely on your multivitamin to give you all your vitamin D, even if it does have D3. It’s a good start, but most still only have around 400 IU.

Here’s to our health seeker, until next week.




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Miracle Oil From The Deep Sea

Deep Sea Miracle Oil Squalene

Today I want to share with you the amazing beauty benefits of a gift from the sharks.

Hundreds of years ago, the Japanese believed shark livers had miraculous powers.
Fishermen from the Izu Peninsula in Japan hunted for deep-sea sharks swimming 3,000 feet below the ocean surface.

They were after the oil in the sharks’ livers. They called it “Samedawa” meaning cure-all.
The Japanese thought this rare oil provided strength, energy, virility and overall good health.

It wasn’t just superstition. Oil from deep-sea sharks contains a unique unsaturated fat.
It’s called “squalene” because these sharks belong to the genus squalus.

Today studies prove squalene is indeed a miracle oil from the sea.

Squalene Oil

Squalene Quenches Your Skin’s Thirst

Squalene makes up a major part of the natural oils in your skin.
The highest levels are in areas with the most sebaceous glands.
That means the T-zone of your face – your forehead, nose and chin.
Your sebaceous glands secrete squalene. Here’s why you need it…

First, squalene is a natural moisturizer. It lubricates your skin’s surface, healing chapped or cracked skin and eczema.
It also helps revitalize damaged hair, dry scalp and brittle nails.

Next, it forms a protective barrier to your skin’s surface. That locks in moisture and prevents your skin from losing water.

Finally, squalene has powerful antioxidants. They accumulate in your skin protecting it from the sun’s UV radiation.
They also absorb free radicals and deactivate them. That helps prevent skin damage like age spots, fine lines and
wrinkles that give away your age.

Squalene Benefits

What can you do?

You produce lots of squalene when you’re young. But your levels start to decline around your mid 20s.
Not long after that you may notice dry skin, the first sign of aging.

How to Use Squalene To Reverse Signs of Aging

Shark liver oil is far and away the richest source of squalene. But we can also get it from food.
Good sources include olives, olive oil, palm oil, rice bran, and wheat germ.

But we don’t eat enough squalene-rich foods.
People on Mediterranean diets take in about 200-400 mg per day.
But in the some countries, we only get about 30 mg a day. That’s not enough.

Squalene Shark Liver Oil

Shark liver oil and squalene are now available in supplements.
Taking 500 mg per day is known to be safe and can assist in normalizing cholesterol levels,
along with giving all the above benefits I outlined above.

You’ll see it in sunscreens, hair products, face cleansers and anti-aging products.

But beware. Most products don’t add enough squalene.
To get the benefits, it should be among the first three ingredients listed.
So do become a smart buyer. Check your labels?

Have a great week!



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Nail Problems? These Nutritional Changes Will Make A Difference Right Away

Nail Problems

Nail problems – Are your nails brittle? Do they crack or peel more often than they used to?

The solution could be easier than you think.

For starters, try giving your nails a quick filing every other day. That keeps the edges smooth so they’re less likely to snag and break. Always file in the same direction – never use a back-and-forth “sawing” motion.

The next step is to strengthen weak nails at the source. Here are some top natural remedies to your biggest nail problems…

1. Peeling. If your nails are peeling, dryness is probably the cause. Just as your skin loses moisture with each passing year, your nails lose natural oils. Exposure to harsh detergents and acetone nail polish remover can accelerate the effects.

Quick fix:
I have suggested to hydrate their nails by soaking them in olive oil a few times a week. And before bed every night,
apply a thin layer of castor oil to the nails and cuticles. You should see a difference within a week or two.

Nail Problems
Weak nails may be a sign that you need more nutrients

2. Ridges. If your nail beds have an uneven, ridged surface, you might be missing out on a vitamin B12, also known as methylcobalamin. Other signs can be you aren’t getting enough B12 are dry, brittle hair, fatigue and memory loss.

Quick fix:
Suggestion at least 100 mcg of vitamin B12 every day. Meat, fish and eggs are the best sources.

3. Breaking.
Weak nails may be a sign that you need more nutrients – specifically, the structural proteins and amino acids that your nails are made out of.

Quick fix:
Here are three things you could do to nourish your nails for a stronger, smoother manicure…

*One of Nail problems Solution – Animal protein.

Remember that your body doesn’t store protein, so you need to have it at every meal.
Get all the grass-fed meat you can, because it’s rich in protein and the eight essential amino acids you need.
Free-range eggs and wild-caught fish are also great sources of protein. If you’re a vegetarian, you’re missing out on 12 essential nutrients you need every day – including coenzyme Q10 and vitamins A, B12 and D. I recommend getting more protein from spirulina, quinoa and hempseed.

* Biotin.
Also called vitamin B7, biotin is well-known for toughening up weak nails. You can get more biotin from liver, egg yolks, nuts, cauliflower, milk and legumes.

* Silica.
This mineral gives your nails their structure. It’s a great way to help weak, brittle nails grow back stronger than ever. Seafood, green beans, spinach, root vegetables and beer are good sources of silica. One of the best natural source in the supplement world is bamboo extract.

These nutritional changes will begin to make a difference right away, but your nails can only grow about two to three millimeters every month. In research it is said it takes six to nine months to get a completely new set.

Have an awesome week!



Nail Problems and Healthy Fingernails

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Do you have Bad Hair Days? Blame your Shampoo

Bad Hair Day

Approximately 16 years ago I learnt, what was put into certain shampoos were pretty much guaranteed to give me consistent “bad hair days.” Prior to learning this, my hair would either be dry and frizzy or limp and unmanageable. I thought it was just my hair type.. Turns out almost all commercial shampoos and conditioners are full of chemicals that will destroy the health of your scalp and hair.

I have people who are shocked when I tell them about this. Here they are, buying the most expensive designer hair products, yet their hair is dry, thinning, and losing its lustre.

But just look at what I learnt was in these shampoos…

Sodium laurel sulphate makes your shampoo foam up. But it’s so damaging, scientists use it to irritate skin so they can discover how to heal it. It corrodes hair follicles so badly it can make your hair fall out and not grow back.

Ethanolamine DEA and Cocamide DEA are also chemicals that help shampoo lather up. They can make your hair dry and unmanageable. Worse, while sitting on the store shelves… or your bathroom counter… they react with other ingredients to form a potent cancer-causing chemical that gets absorbed right through your skin.

Toxic Shampoo

Parabens, like methylparaben and propylparaben, act as preservatives. Parabens not only irritate the skin – which can make your scalp unhealthy – they can also affect your hormonal balance.

Alcohol. Don’t ask me why anyone would put alcohol in shampoo. It will dry your hair out and irritate your scalp. Always avoid hair care products that contain alcohol.

There are a whole lot more ingredients in shampoo that aren’t good for you or your hair, but these are five of the biggest offenders.

So, if you love having thick, shiny, and lustrous hair, start reading ingredients and selecting the most natural products you can find. Bypass anything that contains the chemicals listed above.

And do your homework! If you can’t pronounce an ingredient, look it up on the internet.
Natural Hair CareChances are good anything that sounds “scientific” or can’t be pronounced is bad for your hair.

Here are a few more tips to keep in mind while searching for the perfect natural shampoo that’s right for you…

1. If you have dry or damaged hair, look for shampoos that contain these truly natural moisturizers: shea butter, coconut oil, or avocado oil. They’ll not only seal in moisture; they’ll also add shine and keep your hair hydrated throughout the day.

2. For oily hair, lemon and other citrus ingredients can naturally remove that “grimy” feel and leave your hair feeling soft and bouncy. Green tea can also have a clarifying effect.

3. To get rid of dandruff, try products with tea tree oil, eucalyptus or aloe vera. They’ll help revitalize, cleanse, and heal your scalp.

I share the above information with passion, as I personally had to overcome severe health challenges that may have been linked to using shampoos, conditioners, skin care and make-up all containing nasty, nasty ingredients, that the body cannot deal with, so they build up in our system causing toxicity and ageing.

Here’s to Staying Youthful!


                                                                Shampooing Hair



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Puffy Eyes and Baggy Eyes: What’s the Difference?

Bags Under Eyes

Would you like to know how to look more youthful, rested and full of energy?

Today I’ll suggest some easy, safe and effective remedies to help tighten up the skin around your eyes and decrease the bloat. And you won’t have to spend money on expensive treatments or plastic surgery.

But first, let’s understand the difference between puffiness around your eyes, and bags under your eyes.

What’s Packed in Those Under-Eye Bags?

The skin around your eyes is very thin and delicate. Any imbalance in your skin’s natural fluids shows up there first.

Seasonal allergies, a cold, or a sinus infection can all lead to inflammation. And that leads to water building up in the upper and lower eyelids. The same thing happens when you eat lots of salty foods like soy sauce, or overindulge in alcohol, or cry salty tears.

The good news is that all of these puffy conditions are temporary.
But don’t confuse temporarily swollen lids for more permanent under-eye bags.

Remove Puffy Eyes

Unlike puffiness, under-eye bags are most common as we get older. There is some genetic link.
For years doctors assumed that bags formed when the skin and muscle around your eyes weaken with age.
But now we learn that’s not the whole story.

Scientists only recently discovered what’s really causing those bags. In a study from the David Geffen School
of Medicine at UCLA, researchers examined MRI studies of 40 subjects aged 17 to 80.
Although it was a small study, the researchers discovered that bags aren’t really caused by sagging, tired skin.
The culprit is fat accumulating in your eye socket as you get older.

The problem is common. In serious cases sometimes the only effective solution is eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty.
Doctors make incisions in the eyelid and remove or reposition the fat.
The procedure should give you long-lasting results but can cost up to $5,000.

How To Get Rid Of Under Eye Bags

You don’t have to go under the knife to get rid of puffy eyes and that haggard look.

Easy Solutions for Tired Looking Eyes

Some years ago I came across some little-known nutrients. Some have amazing anti-aging properties for the delicate skin around the eyes. We have a precursor to one called Nitric Oxide, in our LIFECELL CREAM.
When we have this particular nutrient present, we improve the capillary health, making our capillaries more pliable, hence better blood flow in turn bringing more oxygen into the blood, whenever you have more oxygen you will see a more youthful appearance in the skin.

Here are my favorite natural remedies you can start using right away for treating temporary puffiness around your eyes.

  • Cucumber Slices For Puffy EyesIf you have allergies or a cold, try irrigating your nasal cavity with a saltwater solution. Use a neti pot, available in health food stores. Flushing your nose can help relieve fluid buildup that triggers puffiness.
  • To quickly calm puffy eyes, place slices of cucumbers, chilled tea bags, or even a package of frozen peas under your eyes. The cool temperatures reduce swelling.
  • Sleep on your back and add an extra pillow under your head to help drain fluids. Sleeping on your side or stomach can lead to fluids collecting under your eyes.
  • Don’t miss your workout. Exercising improves circulation. And it helps move fluid through your body without accumulating.
  • If you notice puffiness on a frequent basis, eliminate processed foods. Foods high in sodium promote fluid retention. Also avoid sugar and gluten. They contribute to inflammation that can show up on your face as puffy eyes

Here’s to looking more Youthful.



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Hope for Rosacea Sufferers


Are you one of those people suffering with Rosacea?

My girlfriend who was suffering said to me.“I’ve been told not to drink wine, not to eat chocolates, not to go outside,” she said.
“I’m missing out on all the fun, and I still end up a mess!”

Medications may reduce some of your rosacea symptoms. But do they cure the condition.?

So, after you’ve spent the money and avoided the things you enjoy, you’re still going to have the same problem.
The redness, swelling, and acne flares right back up again.

But there is good news…

It turns out rosacea isn’t just about the skin. Like most skin issues, the problem starts on the inside.
Many times, it’s the result of an imbalance of intestinal bacteria.

You see, researchers have discovered that many rosacea sufferers have an excess of harmful bacteria in their intestines.
This creates a toxic environment. And it produces all sorts of inflammation, including rosacea.

It can also lead to digestive disorders, making it harder to digest your food. That may be why rosacea has such a long list of food triggers. Among the list are chocolate, vanilla, eggplant, spicy food, alcohol, and many more.

But your immunity is increased when you’re able to balance the healthy flora in your intestines. And that, in turn, reduces inflammation and outbreaks of rosacea.

Here are some recommendations I suggest to help improve digestive and intestinal health to prevent flare-ups: 

Skin Inflammation

1. Add a probiotic supplement to your diet. One full of friendly flora that prevents the overgrowth of harmful bacteria in your digestive system and intestines.

2. Spirulina and other green foods promote healthy intestinal flora, too. Plus, they have chelation activity that binds to toxins in your body to help rid yourself of impurities. You can get spirulina in green drinks or capsules.

3. Many people who have rosacea and digestive disorders also have B-vitamin deficiencies. So start taking a regular course of B-complex vitamins. I suggest at least 50 mg of B-complex daily.

4. When you moisturise your skin consider a formula that contains rose hips. Rose hips are high in vitamin C that can strengthen your capillaries and help reduce some of the redness associated with rosacea. Plus, the omega fatty acids found in rose hips can help protect your skin cells from damage. I have based our Cell Serum with rosehip, and one lady from Adelaide phoned me to say how amazed her doctors were at her leg ulcer had healed. What was she using? Yes! you guessed it, our Cell Serum. Admittedly I have added many other nutrients to the formulation.

Here’s to looking more youthful!

More about organic Cell Serum

                                                                                  Organic Cell Serum For Rosacea

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Our Beauty Tip For This Week

Moisturise Neck

For a truly youthful look, expand your facial regimen to the tender skin on your neck and chest.
It will make all the difference in your overall look. And unless you wear turtlenecks all year-round, people notice.

The best thing you can do for your skin is to keep it hydrated. Well-hydrated skin is softer and smoother… showing fewer lines and creases.

Nothing keeps you hydrated like old-fashioned water. For the maximum benefit, I suggest drinking about 2 litres of purified water every day. But the elements can take a real toll on you skin.

To help keep your skin cells hydrated, I suggest Nature’s moisturizer – Hyaluronic acid (HLA). I call it “Nature’s moisturizer,” because it’s naturally present in all your skin cells… and it pulls moisture into your skin from inside your body. HLA promotes healing, too.

Aloe Vera and vegetable glycerine are two other natural moisturizers to look for.

We will soon be releasing our new Cell CoQ10 Complex. You are going to love this one!!

Coenzyme Q10 For Skin CareYour skin cells use CoQ10 
to make the energy they need for everything they do. But as you get older, your body makes less and less of this nutrient. That’s one reason your skin starts to look older, drier and more wrinkled.But when you put CoQ10 on your skin, it absorbs quickly into the cells… and has an amazing effect.
As your skin cells start to absorb the CoQ10, they start pumping out energy and acting like younger cells again.
Don’t we love that!
And this skin doesn’t just act younger… it looks younger, too. Because CoQ10 helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Which means your neck could easily look as young as your face and more vital.Skin Care Chemicals To AvoidYou see, most skin products contain sodium lauryl sulfate – SLS – and SLS is a skin irritant. Even worse, SLS robs your skin of moisture. SLS can make women’s skin look red and irritated and increased water loss. Do you really want to “cleanse” your skin with something like that?

That’s why a gentle, nourishing cleanser is so important. To keep the skin on your face and neck looking younger, use a gentle cleanser that supports healthier skin.

LifeCell has a wash with all natural ingredients including Green Tea, Cucumber, Chamomile, Resveratrol, Tea tree Oil & Rosemary.

All products within the LifeCell and Cell Skin Care range, use only natural ingredients which promote healthy skin without irritation.
For example, rose hip oil promotes the production of collagen – one of the basic building blocks of healthy skin.
So our Cell Serum rose hip oil based along with other powerful nutrients & a little Co Q10 helps with healing the skin…
along with washing away the effects of years of wear and tear.

Until next week

Here’s to looking more Youthful!

                                              Natural Skin Care

Cell Skin Care Products

New Cell CoQ10 Complex coming very soon! Stay tuned.

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