Sharpen Your Eyesight Naturally


Good health and skin doesn’t just happen, it is what we put into our bodies, rub on our skin, come in contact with, including our environment we live in etc. Judy’s health tip is for one of the last areas of the body to receive nutrients, our precious eyes.

Fresh parsley has more eye-healthy nutrients than any other vegetable I know of. Pick a few leaves and chew them and they give you two of the world’s best vision-sharpening nutrients, lutein and zeaxanthin.

You’ve probably heard talk about them before. Lutein and zeaxanthin are critical to eye health because they concentrate in the retina of your eye and protect these structures that give your vision clarity and sharpness.

But what you may not know is that of all the carotenoids, including beta-carotene, these are the only two collected in your macula.

The macula is a little yellow spot near the centre of your retina.

Why is that so important to you? Because the macula is what makes you able to pick out very small details, and also do highly specialized tasks like reading this letter.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are so highly concentrated there that your eyes don’t work without them. These yellow pigments act like sunglasses that block and protect your central sight from ultraviolet and near-ultraviolet light that can break it down and cause oxidation from free radicals.


In a study done in Japan, they gave blood tests to more than 700 people 65 and up.1 Those with the highest levels of lutein and zeaxanthin appeared to have overall better eye health.

An Australian study of over 3,600 people made a similar discovery. Those who got a lot of lutein and zeaxanthin through diet or supplements had better eye health than those who had lower levels. 2

While lutein is found around the outer edges of your macula, zeaxanthin is found at the centre. Together, they give you complete protection.

Parsley is one of the best food sources I know of for both lutein and zeaxanthin. Just a few sprigs give you 1,557 mcg. Doesn’t sound like much, but these two nutrients are highly concentrated, so 1.5 mg from one food is a good source. And parsley also has nearly as much beta-carotene and vitamin A as the same amount of carrots.

Now, every morning while my parsley is growing, I grab a few sprigs, to add to my juice or to eat fresh as I prepare the juice.

When the parsley plant starts to flower, it’s mature and that means it’s done giving you fresh parsley for that season. So dry the leaves that are left and save them. Eat at least two tablespoons of the dried leaves every day for your best eye health.

Other good food sources of lutein and zeaxanthin are dark leafy green vegetables like Brussels sprouts, and yellow foods like egg yolks, yellow squash, and pumpkins and carrots which are “dark yellow” vegetables. However, they only have about a third as much as parsley. And you should know that some studies show your eyes need at least 20 mg a day of lutein and 4 mg of zeaxanthin to maintain optimal vision.

Lutein Zeaxanthin

That means if you don’t eat lots of eggs and parsley and other vegetables, you’ll need to supplement. When you look for a good supplement, remember that most formulas are going to be competing on price. That means they’ll skimp on these critical nutrients and only give you a few hundred micrograms.

Make sure the supplement you choose has the full amount of lutein and zeaxanthin you need. With a high dose of the right nutrients, you’ll really notice it in your ability to read and focus on everyday things the way your eyes are supposed to.

Here’s to great eyesight!

                                          Great Eyesight

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How To Look Younger Than Your Age

How To Look Younger Than Your Age

Have you ever been told you look younger than you really are? I’m sure it made your day.
After all, youth means beauty in our culture. And a young, beautiful face is impossible to ignore.

There’s one thing that defines a youthful appearance more than anything else – your skin.

Today I want to show you two natural and effective ways to support and firm your skin so you can have the youngest and best looking skin possible.

First, for a younger, smoother look, you’ll want to make sure your skin has lots of collagen.

Collagen is a group of proteins that together form the building blocks for your skin (and connective tissue).
Collagen gives volume, flexibility and strength to your skin and is what makes it look healthy and young.
It makes up the majority of the dermis, which is the layer of skin just below the surface.

Collagen Levels In Skin

Over time, your collagen breaks down. When that happens, we say our skin is “aging.”

But what we’re really saying is that we are beginning to see diminished facial volume and elasticity. The loss of elasticity and volume results in wrinkles, more sagginess, and more lines.

But you can increase your collagen naturally to give you a fuller face, fewer wrinkles and lines, and help you look younger.

One way to do this is with a truly effective, Is our Collagen Booster capsules
. It encourages collagen stimulation.

Collagen Booster has powerful ingredients designed to improve your skin’s health and appearance.

It also is a natural source of hyaluronic acid (HA)
which also promotes the ability of collagen to retain moisture in your skin, acting as a sponge soaking up moisture.

Lifecell Collagen

These compounds and antioxidants help build collagen and elastin. This gives your skin more firmness, elasticity and flexibility to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

The second way to easily have fuller, more youthful looking skin is our LifeCell Cream, which is our No 1 product. 

Whilst I share this information on Collagen Stimulation we know the LifeCell cream is your first option always. 


Lifecell Collagen Booster                                        Lifecell Cream

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What Can Erase Wrinkles In Only 8 hours And Doesn't Cost A Cent?

Beauty Sleep


Getting enough sleep is good for your health, but it’s great for your skin. Think of sleep as your nightly face lift. You’re giving your skin a chance to repair itself.

While you’re dreaming, your skin is renewed and restored. Your skin texture improves, because old, dead skin cells are replaced. Harmful effects from your daily life are reversed. You literally wake with a new glow.

Many things can keep you from getting 8 hours. Work, friends, your favorite TV show, or a good book. But sleep needs to be on the top of your priority list.

When you wake up in the morning after not getting enough sleep, what do you see in the mirror? Your eyes look hollow, and your cheeks sink in. You look old before your time. Researchers found without sleep, your body begins to waste away, the same as if you were starving yourself to death.

By losing sleep, you rob your immune system of the energy it needs to fight infection. You’ll catch more colds and flu viruses. In one study, animals that lost seven hours of sleep came down with viruses even after they were immunized. The animals that got enough sleep did not. Immunization had no effect without enough sleep.Melatonin For Beauty Sleep

When you lose sleep, you look old and sick for a reason. Your skin cells can’t repair themselves. When you lose your defense system, bacteria and other invaders can cause blemishes or reactions like swollen eyes and dark circles.

A great way to improve your sleep quality is by increasing the level of melatonin in your body. Melatonin is a natural, protective hormone. The amount you have decreases as you age.
Melatonin helps you fall asleep and keeps you sleeping deeper throughout the night.

Melatonin has many benefits. One is its beautifying effect on the skin. Melatonin helps in the production of collagen and elastin to keep your skin firm and young looking. It’s a potent antioxidant that fights against damage that causes your skin to wrinkle and age.

To increase melatonin naturally, make sure you spend time each day in bright, natural sunlight. Then go to sleep in a completely dark bedroom. Make sure you don’t have the TV running or a night light on. Wear a sleep mask if you have to. Any light at all, no matter how tiny, will disrupt the production of melatonin.

Sleeping Beauty Eye Mask

You can also a purchase melatonin supplement at most vitamin shops. You can get a pill to swallow, but I suggest you look for drops, or a sublingual that melts under your tongue. It’s easier to absorb and works fast.

Only a small amount is necessary. Take it 20 minutes before you want to fall asleep. Start with 0.5 mg and work your way up to 3 mg. Larger doses don’t have the same effect. So don’t take too much, or it won’t work.


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Creating Better Habits for Vitality


While some people think they need to overhaul their whole lifestyle in order to look and feel younger, there are simple and speedy things you can do in just a few minutes that could add up to big results. You may see this and think, “That’s common sense,” and yes it is, but if you actually DO it, you’ll feel and look better.

Exercise. I always say, “Exercise is the fountain of youth” and spending hours at the gym just isn’t feasible for women on the go. Instead, spend about 15 minutes each morning doing a shorter routine. A short exercise or a stretching routine, or warm up, then find an area in your community where you walk very briskly or run up a hill, and go as far as you can the first time, then each day keep adding to the distance, this helps to expand our lungs and strengthens our heart etc. I personally put this to the test and found enormous benefits of wellbeing. Allows more oxygen into our blood stream. Giving a great feeling of well being, always cool down after this routine. This assist greatly to keep your body youthful and full of vitality.

Watch what you eat. You don’t necessarily have to eliminate junk and comfort food completely from your diet. The key is to make healthier choices most of the time and consume smaller portions. Try – super-size your veggies and half-size everything else.Creaing Better Habits

Eliminate bad habits. We all have our vices but try to limit nicotine, excessive alcohol intake and baking in the sun, all of which are proven to accelerate the aging process.  If you can’t resist these temptations completely, at least try to cut down – every little bit helps.

Looking and feeling younger doesn’t require a lot of time or money. Following these easy tips and keeping a consistent routine could be just what you need to take a few years off your look. 

Framingham Heart Study

The smaller your lungs, the greater concern there is for challenges. The ground-breaking Framingham Heart Study looked at data stretching back six decades and concluded your lungs tell you how long you’ll live. This ongoing research is particularly convincing for two reasons: it’s the longest running study in medical history and it has no involvement from the big drug companies.

Doctors involved in the Framingham study, William B. Kannel and Helen Hubert, both from the Boston School of Medicine concluded: your lungs are the number one predictor of death. To put another piece of this monumental discovery in their own words, here’s what they said: “This pulmonary function measurement appears to be an indicator for general health and vigour.” 


Healthy Eating


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Does Cardio Exercise Help You Lose Weight?


Let’s look at different forms of exercise and what some of our anti-ageing doctors are saying.

When we say “cardio” we are not talking about going for a brisk walk… spending a few minutes on an elliptical machine… or swimming a few laps.

“Cardio” is short for cardiovascular endurance training. It’s the idea that you have to raise your heart rate for a long duration – at least 20 minutes, and usually much more. It’s when you spend 45 minutes on a treadmill, or run for miles every day. Or take an hour-long aerobics class.

This kind of exercising to exhaustion is just not natural.


Your ancestors didn’t jog for miles at a time. They didn’t jump around for an hour doing aerobics. They had short bursts of activity – sprinting to catch food, or to avoid being food. That’s how they stayed lean and strong.

The concept of cardiovascular endurance exercise – like marathon running or aerobics – goes against how your body was built to move.

And it can hurt you in the long run.

What’s worse is the advice of today’s fitness “experts” who tell you to do cardio so that you can get into the “fat-melting zone.”

The trouble is, you don’t want to be in the fat-melting zone.

Every time you enter that zone, you’re programming your body to use fat for fuel.
You’re sending a signal that you need fat.Exercise For Reducing Fat

And your body responds by storing it up so you’ll have fuel to burn.

Let me say that again…

Cardio Can Make You Store Fat!

You see, it doesn’t matter how much fat you melt while running on the treadmill… or how many hours you spend at the gym… or whether you do one of those workout DVDs.

All that matters is what happens to your body when you stop.

When you finish a cardio workout, your body goes to work storing fat to fuel your next workout. That’s why those last few stubborn pounds never seem to come off by just doing more cardio.

The cardio is working against you. An Anti-Cardio program restores your body’s natural metabolism and re-trains your body to store energy in your muscles, just like your ancestors did…

And it reprograms your body to dump that extra fat.

Stay with us for more information in this area next week.


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Facial Polishing

Skin Polishing

Facial Brushing in simple words is a special technique of exfoliating skin. The dead cells are removed which helps new and healthy cells to come in place of that and the skin looks clean and polished.

It was a challenge to find just the right brush to optimize my facial routine. I tried many different brushes but found that they were all too soft. Even battery powered exfoliating sets come with a separate facial brush that turns soft and mushy when turned on. You might as well use a sponge instead of most of the facial brushes out there. I finally discovered one that was effective and appealing. Unlike other brushes, it is not too soft.
Many beauty books tell you that you should not exfoliate more than twice per week. However, when you eat raw foods, your skin heals much faster. At first, you must be gentle while brushing, but gradually you can brush more vigorously. Your face will begin to glow!


“I have been using the brush for 4 days now and I cannot believe how smooth my skin looks. This morning I actually walked out of the house without having to put any makeup on. That’s unheard of.” –Ti.

“Three days after using the brush, my husband says to me, “You look prettier. Are you exfoliating?” My jaw hit the floor. I couldn’t believe he noticed! (And I didn’t know he knew what “exfoliation” meant!) My skin is clearer and less prone to breakouts. I love my brush and use it faithfully. Thank you!” –A.C.

“It has taken me many months to begin to use the dry facial brush and the masque removing brush as part of my daily routine. I am not especially looking for ‘beauty” but rather for healthy looking skin. Since December 2010, when I finally began to routinely use the facial brushes, I have definitely observed an improvement in the tone and appearance of my face and neck area. Additionally, the blackheads that I have had for 66 years are not as large … I don’t know whether this is directly related to my use of the facial brushing or if my skin is changing due to my age; however, I do know that I will continue to use the facial brushes for the remainder of my life.” –C.K.

Facial Brush








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Cleaning Up For Your Life?

Clean Up Your Life

This year, my suggestion is to move beyond the traditional routine of cleaning out your cupboards and closets and consider rearranging and reorganizing other areas of your life.

Things like your exercise routine, your makeup drawer and your mind.

Below are some of the most effective ways to clean up your life.

Tips for Cleaning, assisting with Anti-Ageing of our bodies and lifting our Spirits.

Makeup Drawer

Clean out your makeup drawer – Clearing out your makeup drawer once a year makes room for new products and colors. As you clean out your makeup drawer, take time to wash your brushes thoroughly. Natural oils and embedded makeup accumulate deep in the bristles over time, which invites bacteria.

I recommend Enviro Clean dishwashing liquid as a quick way to remove oil from brushes thoroughly. It’s even used to clean birds and other wildlife that have been exposed to oil spills. If it can clean the birds, it can certainly remove oil from your brushes.This is especially true if you’re like most women and you accumulate cosmetics by the bagful over the course of a year.

Another advantage is you’ll likely find products at the bottom of your makeup case or drawer that Purge The Fridgeyou forgot about. Like that fabulous pink lipstick you bought but never wore.

Purge the Fridge – This is a good time to go through the refrigerator and throw away all your expired foods.
It’s easy to dispose of spoiled fruits and vegetables when they’re past their prime,
but it’s a little harder to pay attention to expiration dates on cans and bottles.
I like to read the expiration dates every few weeks just to make sure everything I eat is fresh.

Reshape Your Attitude –This is a way of raising your spirits, especially if you tend to suffer from the winter blues.
Make the most of this uplifting time and write out a list of all the things for which you feel grateful.
This will remind you of all the blessings in your life and will lift your spirits. After all, gratitude is good for the soul.
Plus, gratitude has a magical way of zapping away anger, disappointment and anything else that might be making you feel bad.
I also encourage you to dispel old grudges, call a friend you may have had a falling out with, or stop procrastinating and finally start that new project you want to tackle.

Attitude Of Gratitude

Let this be a time for renewal, reorganization and revitalization in your life!

More thoughts on reshaping your attitude next week.

Here’s to remaining youthful!



             Peace Balance Revitalization In Your Life


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Mother’s Day Special Bonus Offer!

Mothers Day

This offer has now expired. Thank you to everyone who took part. We’ve got more great offers coming up in the next few weeks so stay tuned.

To celebrate Mother’s Day we are giving away a FREE 15ml bottle of Organic Cell Serum with every order of LifeCell Cream!

Cell Serum is a highly potent blend of specific ingredients that further enhance skin health and speed up regeneration time of severely dehydrated skin. 

It contains Marine Phytoplankton, Coenzyme Q10, Vitamins A,C,D,E, Rosehip Seed Oil, Omega 3 & 6, and Rose Damask essential oil. 

Cell Serum is valued at $49, however you can get it at no cost when you order LifeCell Cream by Mother’s Day. 

Plus, you get FREE SHIPPING to anywhere in the world!

But hurry, this limited offer must end Sunday 12th May 2013. 

You can find out more about information about Cell Serum here and click here to place your order

                   Mothers Day Deal

Order Now


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Your Body Purification Regime

Body Purification

In today’s world, your body is constantly exposed to toxins and pollutants, and chemicals that mimic your hormones. They can leave you feeling bloated, tired and achy. Combine these everyday exposures with the allergens and mold spores in the air, and you may notice your symptoms ramping up.

This can affect how your organs (liver, kidneys and colon) function and how your body looks… think dry skin, dull hair and brittle nails.

That’s why I suggest you do a thorough “spring cleaning” of your body.

Taking Care Of Your Body

I call it the Body Purification Regimen.

Just follow these three purifying steps and your skin will look more radiant, your hair will shine, you’ll feel less bloated, your nails will be stronger, and you’ll start feeling sharper, more alert and more focused than you have all year:

1. Eat clean. The first step is to avoid the toxins and chemicals in your food and water as much as possible. The best way to do this is to avoid processed foods and choose grass-fed beef and free-range poultry instead. This way you’ll know what you’re putting in your body, and you won’t risk consuming the estrogen-mimickers and antibiotics that are found in standard grain-fed meat at your grocery store. Also, be sure to drink only filtered water and buy organic fruits and vegetables to keep chemicals and pesticides out of your system.

2. Sweat it out. If you have access to a sauna, use it. Sweating not only keeps your body temperature in check, it also rejuvenates your largest organ – your skin. It eliminates waste, pollutants and toxins from your body. Plus, periodic purges through perspiration prevent the accumulation of these toxins in the first place and can also remove toxic chemicals and metals faster than any other method of natural body cleansing. If you don’t have access to a sauna, try a workout that really gets your heart pumping and your body sweating.

3. Clean out your kidneys and liver. Certain herbs can help get rid of toxins from your Dandelionbloodstream, restore your liver function and help flush out your kidneys. Two of the most effective herbs,dandelion and milk thistle. You can find them at your local health-food store.

• Dandelion stimulates bile and acts as a diuretic to help your body get rid of excess water and control bloating. I suggest 4-10 grams of the dried leaf or 4 to 10 milliliters (1:1) of fluid extract.

• Milk thistle contains a liver-cleansing ingredient called silymarin. Take 200 mg in a capsule form twice a day.
Try to find the dried extract with a minimum of 80% silymarin for the best results.

                Mik Thistle



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Shortcut to Happiness

Shortcut To Happiness

If you’re already in a relationship or you’re looking for your “soul mate,” you can only make things better for both of you if you’re happy within yourself, not dependent on someone else to “make” you happy. In fact, studies show that happily married couples live longer, healthier lives than single people. So, how can you just “make yourself happy?” Try these tips for a new attitude that just may make you, and those around you, smile more often.

Aging Backwards Happy Tips:

Volunteer. Numerous scientific studies show that acts of kindness can result in significant mental and physical health benefits. Helping can bring on a rush of euphoria, followed by a longer period of calm, often called a “helper’s high” that releases the body’s natural painkiller, endorphins, thus reversing feelings of depression, hostility and stress. The greater the frequency of volunteering, the greater the health benefits. Keep in mind these statistics:

Bring Happiness To Others

Personal contact with the people being helped is important.
Helper’s high results most from helping people we don’t know.
Regular club attendance, volunteering, entertaining or faith group attendance is the happiness equivalent of getting a college degree or more than doubling your income.

Fake a smile. Charles Schaefer, psychology professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey, found in his research that even self-imposed smiling and forced laughter can boost mood and psychological well-being tremendously. “Phony laughter works because your body doesn’t know it’s fake, even though your brain might,” he says. “Once the brain signals the body to laugh, the body doesn’t care why. It’s going to release endorphins; it’s going to relieve stress as a natural physiological response to the physical act of laughing,” he adds.

Keep Smiling

Express gratitude, often. According to Tal Ben-Shahar, author and lecturer at Harvard University. “We too often take our lives for granted. Learn to appreciate and savor the wonderful things in life, from people to food, from nature to a smile.” He is the author of numerous books including, Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfillment (2007).

Once you find your own inner happiness, you’ll be surprised at how other areas in your life will start to blossom. You’ll treat others differently, people will react differently to you and you could take your romantic relationship to a whole new level.

                                                 Happiness Quote


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