Simple Lifestyle Choices To Look And Feel Younger

While some people think they need to overhaul their whole lifestyle in order to look and feel younger,there are simple and speedy things you can do in just a few minutes that could add up to big results.
You may see this and think, “That’s common sense,” and yes it is, but making good choices & then if you actually DO it, you’ll feel and look better.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Exercise is the fountain of youth. However, spending hours at the gym just isn’t feasible for people on the go.
Instead, spend about 15 minutes each morning doing a shorter, but more vigorous routine.
If you stick with it, you will look and feel younger and more alive.

Eliminate bad habits. We all have our vices but try to limit nicotine, excessive alcohol intake and baking in the sun,
all of which are proven to accelerate the aging process. Healthy Lifestyle
If you can’t resist these temptations completely, at least try to cut down – every little bit helps.

Watch what you eat. You don’t necessarily have to eliminate junk and comfort food completely from your diet.
The key is to make healthier choices most of the time and consume smaller portions.

Looking and feeling younger doesn’t require a lot of time or money.
Following these easy tips and keeping a consistent routine could be just what you need to take a few years off your look.

Have a Youthful Day!

Judy & Team

Is Cleansing Your Skin Important?

Washing your face daily is just as important in your skin care regime as it is for you to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep of night.Face Cleansing
Your face should be washed twice a day-once in the morning when you first wake up and once at night before you go to sleep.

Why is it so important that you wash your face twice a day?

Because washing your face:

– removes all of the makeup, oil, sunscreen and everyday environmental pollutants from the face
– helps prevent clogged pores, which reduces breakouts
– preps the skin for better product penetration

Research shows cleansing before bed is essential to looking younger, longer. Every day your skin is aging. And the very simple process of washing your face before bed is an excellent way to mitigate the external factors associated with aging and to stimulate the internal processes that fight aging.

Even if you don’t wear makeup, it’s very important to wash your face with a cleanser. It’s not just makeup you want to wash off, but also makeup, pollutants, bacteria and unwanted debris off your face.

In addition, it’s important to recognize that properly cleansing the skin prepares your skin to absorb products you may put on after, like a serum or anti-aging cream. Clearing out your pores allows the cream to penetrate into your skin for maximum effectiveness.

Certain physiological changes in the skin occur overnight. Like many of our organs, our skin can tell night from day. Biological processes vary over 24 hours as a result of time-sensitive “clocks” within our cells.

Overnight, the skin needs oxygen to repair itself. And sleeping with your makeup on deprives it of this vital nutrient.
When makeup is left on, it blocks the natural exfoliating process, which can leave your skin looking dull.Face Wash

Nighttime cleansing is essential for letting anti-aging ingredients work. Nocturnal blood flow in the skin is higher, and when blood flow is increased so is absorption and penetration of ingredients. If you don’t wash your face before bed it’s a missed opportunity to do something great for your skin and to wake up with smoother, softer, clearer skin.

Forgoing nighttime cleansing regularly can give you larger pores. Consider that excess sebum (oil), dead skin cells, and makeup are sitting on your face. A cleanser will emulsify all of these and remove them from the surface of your skin.

Once your collagen levels start to decline (due to aging), the pores do not snap back as easily once they become enlarged. Leaving makeup on can lead to inflammation that can generate free radicals and collagen breakdown.

Nighttime cleansing prevents skin dehydration. This in part causes the skin to lose a significant portion of water at night.

In the morning you have more dead skin cells to slough off, and more excess sebum to emulsify. These can’t be rinsed away with mere water.  Water alone removes only about 65% of oil and debris from the surface of the skin. Think about what you’re leaving behind.

A great facial cleanser that contains natural organic ingredients is our CELL INFUSE Hydrating Cleanser.


The Crucial Link Between Skin Health and Mental Health

You already know that stubborn skin problems can make you feel bad about yourself. Mental Stress
But do you know that it works the other way too?
Your mental and emotional state can be the cause of stubborn skin problems.

Studies show that your skin reacts to the thoughts going on in your head.
And that reaction may be anything from a case of hives to skin conditions
like acne or psoriasis – and even hair loss.

Skin problems can be triggered by stress, emotional shock and negative emotions.
When you ask your doctor what has caused the skin trouble,
it’s unlikely they’ll say that your mind has been responsible.

These days, medical professionals understand the link between illness and the power of your mind.
For example, they commonly accept the link between emotional stress and heart health. Psychodermatology
But many haven’t made that connection with skin conditions.

In a Spanish medical study, a group of people with psoriasis were interviewed and almost half of them
had a serious stressful event in the six months prior to developing their skin problems.

Another study discovered emotional shocks can lead to skin outbreaks or hair loss months – even more than a year – after the shock itself.

Mental and emotional stress has now been proven to affect the health of the skin. 

Psychodermatology is the study of these connections and has been around for more than 20 years.
However it’s not a part of normal medical training.

The University of Massachusetts ran some tests where they took two groups of psoriasis sufferers, and used standard phototherapy on both. But one group also listened to meditation tapes.
The meditation group’s skin cleared up much faster.
And when the team repeated the experiment with different people, the results were the same.

Healthy Mind Healthy Skin

If you feel that your mind may be affecting your skin health the you should seek out a professional psychodermatologist in your area.
You might be able to improve a stubborn skin condition by using mental conditioning.
Adding meditation and guided imagery to your doctor’s treatment, can increase the chances of overcoming your skin problem.

Exercise can be of great assistance for skin conditions that are caused by stress.
Regular exercise improves sleep, which lowers stress levels.
Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which are the ‘feel good hormones’ that improve mood levels.

Exercise also helps ease stress by refocusing your mind.
It’s hard to get through a challenging workout without thinking about what you’re doing.

If you have a stubborn skin condition, and the normal pills and lotions aren’t clearing it up, then psychodermatology, even as an add-on therapy, may be the answer you’re looking for.

In the end, a clearer, healthier mind will bring clearer, healthier skin.

Judy & Team

The Number One Enemy Of Youthful Skin

Aging Generations

As we grow older, skin cells regenerate more slowly, making it difficult for the epidermis to repair itself. We also produce fewer hormones with age, causing the skin to thin, leaving it more vulnerable to damage. What’s more, oil-producing glands become less active, resulting in dry, fragile tissue. These effects are exacerbated by environmental conditions such as ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which harms skin proteins and accelerates the visible signs of aging, including blemishes, discoloration, sagging, and fine lines.

While this is the harsh reality, the best way to deal with it is to know how to grow old gracefully. This doesn’t mean fighting aging skin with chemical creams, Botox injections, and other unnatural, invasive treatments. A healthier approach to growing old is to exercise, use natural skin care products and to eat right.

Eating right is even more important to aging right than previously presumed. Eat RightNew research shows that a diet rich in certain nutrients may prevent and reverse skin aging more effectively than expensive treatments. A study of more than 4,000 women found a strong correlation between aging skin and poor dietary habits, such as getting too few vitamins. Women with above-average intakes of vitamin C and linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid found in plant-based oils) who ate fewer fats and carbohydrates were more likely to have healthier, youthful skin.

Antioxidants have certainly generated a buzz in the media lately. And for good reason. These powerful defenders give your skin the protection it needs to fight against free radicals on a day-to-day basis.

This protection is exactly what you need to keep your skin smooth and firm, no matter what your age. In fact, antioxidants could be the reason why one 50-year-old woman can have smooth skin and another can have wrinkles that make her look many years older.

Free radicals are unstable atoms that come from pollution, smoking, even overexposure to the sun. And they cause damage to the healthy cells in your body.

I consider them to be the number one enemy of youthful skin

That’s why antioxidants are so important. Antioxidants are nutrients that come from fruits and vegetables. And they help neutralize free radicals before they have the chance to do damage to your skin.

                                      Free Radicals

Fight free radicals with powerful fruits and vegetables.

If you always find yourself grabbing lunch on the go or munching on a power bar between meetings at work, you’re probably not getting enough nutrients from the foods you eat. But don’t beat yourself up. I’ve been there.

The majority of us don’t get the antioxidants we need every day to keep our skin healthy. And without these vital antioxidants, your skin is even more susceptible to damage.

The good news is that cleaning up your nutrition for just a few days is enough to visibly improve the quality of your skin.Healthy Food

Some great ways to give yourself some skin-essential nutrients are through these foods rich in Vitamins A, C, and E:

Sweet potatoes
Green peppers
Kiwi fruits

Remember, the brighter and more diverse the selection, the better!

Other great sources of antioxidants include: white tea, rooibos tea and dark chocolate.

Ubiquinone, also called Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ10) is a powerful antioxidant that provides support for cellular energy production and helps maintain normal healthy functioning of the heart.

Preventive measures: Curb your consumption of simple carbohydrates, which include the obvious treats, like soft drinks and candy, but also seemingly innocuous choices, such as white rice, and white bread. These foods are quickly converted into sugar in your body and put your skin on the fast track to glycation. If you need something sweet, a small square of dark chocolate contains antioxidants that can protect you from free radicals, those unstable atoms in the atmosphere that latch on to skin and lead to fine lines. Also, increase your intake of vitamin C as it helps generate collagen which provides the skin with strength, flexibility, and resilience.

How we eat massively affects our skin and how we age. A diet full of healthy, whole foods provides important nutrients and antioxidants to slow the effects of aging and enable cell repair.

In addition to eating right, it’s important to take care of the skin by using a high quality anti-aging skin care treatment like our CELL INFUSE CoQ10.


WARNING – Some Skin Care Products Can Be Harmful To Your Body

The ingredients used in some skin care products can harm your body and may even be dangerous to your health.
It pays to learn exactly what you are putting on your skin and the potential side effects.

Here are some of the warnings that other manufacturers make about the ingredients they use in their own products:

  • “Harmful… through skin absorption.”
  • “Corrosive.”
  • “May cause harm to the unborn child.”
  • “Skin contact… may produce pain, redness, severe irritation or full thickness burns.”
  • “May be absorbed through the skin with possible systemic effects.”

These companies are required to warn their employees… but not you!  Very interesting.
We know these chemicals accumulate in the body, causing a toxic build up which may lead to disease.

Nearly 9 out of 10 ingredients in today’s cosmetics haven’t been properly tested.
And you’ll find one or more untested ingredients in 99% of the cosmetic products on store shelves today.

In other words, almost any health and beauty product you pull off the shelf is a little safety experiment, and you’re the guinea pig.

What experiments are you involved in?

Here are just a few:

Some nail products and hair gels contain formaldehyde – which is known to cause liver, kidney and skin damage.

Phthalates are a class of solvents used in bath oils, blushes, nail polishes and a host of baby products. Phthalates also mimic the “female” hormone estrogen. According to a report from Texas Women’s University, they’re linked to early-onset puberty in girls.

Triclosan, a common anti-bacterial agent, is found in nearly every brand of toothpaste. It’s also the germ-killing ingredient in most hand sanitizers – and a host of other products. Animal studies show triclosan can throw hormones out of balance – including the hormones that control blood pressure, body temperature and growth rate.
