You will love the Health Benefits of Magnesium

You will love the Health Benefits of Magnesium

health-benefits-of-magnesiumAs I was finishing my run this morning I was reflecting on doing things I love and knowing how important our personal time is to balance our mind and soul. Many years ago when working alongside the Longevity Institute we would always say if you don’t use your body/muscles you lose them. How true is this! We know that varied exercise is vital to longevity.

Something else I truly love to do is have a magnesium bath. Try it for yourself!! The benefits are wonderful.

The Importance of Magnesium and Sulfate

According to the National Academy of Sciences, America is undergoing a magnesium deficiency, and here in Australia we are the same and it’s contributing to increasing rates of heart disease, stroke, obesity, arthritis, osteoporosis, joint pain, digestive problems, stress-related illnesses, and chronic fatigue. Magnesium is the second most abundant element in human cells and is accountable for over 325 enzymes. It helps to…

1. Reduce inflammation
2. Improve blood flow
3. Boost oxygenation
4. Support muscle and nerve function

epsom saltSulfates are necessary for healthy joints, skin, nervous tissue, and brain tissue. They also help activate the pancreas, triggering it to release digestive enzymes.

Epsom salt gives you a combination of magnesium and sulfate, which work together in a process called reverse osmosis to remove toxins from the body and build key protein molecules in your tissues and joints. The skin is a highly porous membrane, and an Epsom salt bath first pulls out the toxins, and then helps the skin absorb magnesium and sulfate.

How To Take an Epsom Salt Bath

relaxing salt bathExperts advise that you need about a 40-minute window to relax in an Epsom salt bath. Run a warm bath, try to use water that is filtered. Non-filtered water is full of fluoride, dioxins, and heavy metals that counteract the detoxifying benefits of Epsom salt.

The first 20 minutes are for pulling out the toxins, and the second 20 minutes are to let the magnesium and sulfate soak into your skin.

CELL Infuse Super GreensIf you haven’t got this time, consider foods rich in magnesium like Dark Leafy Greens, Nuts & Seeds.
Or CELL Infuse Super Greens…

Always about enriching you!!

Judy & L.C.A. Team

The Four Most Important Areas to a New You

positive-habitsAlthough every one of us differs, there are some core things we all have in common. We all want to lead an active full life, to be fit and healthy and enjoy life. To do so we have to look after number 1, ourselves. Right? But the question is, where do we start?

A new healthy routine becomes easy with focus on these four areas, get these balanced and you’re on the way to finding peace with yourself and that makes all the difference.

To start with we have to consider our habits, which are essentially patterns of behavior that have become worn in to our brains and kinda become us. You’ve heard that it can take 21 days to form a new habit, worth noting that it can take 21 days to change your taste buds as well.

With that in mind I want to encourage you to take on the challenge and form a new habit. All it takes is a little motivation and a way to maximise your health.

Let’s first look at what I believe are the Four Most Important Areas to a New You.

eat cleanEat Clean
Start feeling free around food but be mindful of where your food has come from. Look at the ingredients list on your products. Stick to whole foods that Nourish and Nurture the body, that are delicious AND satisfying. What You Do Today = What You Will Be Tomorrow. Count chemicals, NOT calories!

train cleanTrain Clean
Stop thinking you have to do hours of cardio. Start training smarter, not harder with our tailored exercise tutorials. Follow easy instructions for workouts that burn fat and generate amazing results!

Think Cleanthink clean
The body of your dreams starts in your mind. The mind is an active thing so give it something to work with. Create a vision board to inspire & keep you on track. Look at it daily to make maybe just a small adjustment in your day and begin training yourself to think THIN. Be mindful of what you are eating & what you are doing to strengthen and tone your body.

drink cleanDrink Clean
Drink alkalising drinks to boost your metabolism, rev up your body’s natural energy, and oxidize fat to leave you feeling fresh and rejuvenated. It’s easy to alkalise your body, here’s a few tips; lemon in water first thing in the morning, Almond berry smoothies & our CELL Infuse Super Greens will get you positive results.

Want to get started today? Let us share this testimonial from a Naturopath in Sydney.

“I am a Naturopath by trade and am setting up a business in holistic fertility coaching . My menopause symptoms disappeared after taking CELL Infuse Super Greens (after 8 years of hell) so i know how good it is for hormonal balance (especially with the Maca)” – Kristin

CELL Infuse Super Greens is available now…CELL Infuse Super Greens

click here to order now

Small steps in the right direction leads to a more happier you.

We thank-you for your support!
Here’s to staying beautiful inside and out.
Judy and Team

(28/11/17  We have discontinued our Super Greens formulations but ask us about similar formulations to boost immune system at

Who doesn’t need more Beauty Sleep?

beauty sleepGrow More Beautiful While You Sleep!

If you spend 8 hours a night sleeping, then why not turn it into a true BEAUTY SLEEP & have PEACE OF MIND that you are rejuvenating & nourishing your skin.

Yes, even whilst you sleep you can improve skin elasticity, tone, lessen wrinkles, lines and furrows.

  • youthful radianceRadiate with Confidence as you walk into that room or visit people you haven’t seen for some years.
  • Feel younger & more balanced, less stressed and shine from the inside.
  • Boost your memory with dramatically boosted mental clarity and learning ability.
  • Lose excess weight – HOW? By alkalizing your system and hormones more balanced.
  • Sleep more deeply and restfully & increase levels of Serotonin in your brain.
  • Boost your energy levels and moods with the benefit of detoxifying.
  • Heighten your sexual drive and stamina – Maca is known to provide benefits to your hormonal health.
  • Strengthen your entire cardiovascular system & improve circulation and blood purification.
  • And so much more!

CELL Infuse Super Greens can help you grow more beautiful & younger whilst you sleep. It is a powerful superfood containing high quality organic ingredients to assist and enhance health and protect against disease and illness… as well as provide natural energy, well-being & more anti-ageing power. Click here to order CELL Infuse Super Greens now.

CELL Infuse Super Greens

Order Now

Sally from Noosa ….As she was ordering the greens special again she said “I have never felt this good, I have energy, my bowels are regular, I am not bloated like I used to be, sleeping well and waking up feeling alert. I say thank-you all for the Super Greens”.


28/11/17 We have discontinued our Super Greens however ask us about our similar formulations to boost your immune system.

Let's Help You get Motivated & Kick Start a New Healthy Habit.

Can You REALLY Form A Habit In Just 21 Days?!

habit quoteHave you ever heard of “Maxwell Maltz”? Well if you haven’t heard of him, you’ve surely heard of his studies in behavior. A surgeon, Maltz was the man who discovered that his patients took about three weeks, or ’21 days’, to grow accustomed to their faces when they were altered or changed.

This came to be the common belief that it takes “21 days to make a habit”. People try to quit smoking, eat more vegetables, and even wake up earlier with just 21 days of practice.

But does it really work?

Can You Form A Habit In 21 Days Or Less?

healthy habitsYou’ve heard it touted by many a self-help guru or motivational speaker. Most people now believe that it takes just 21 days to form a habit.

However, researchers at University College in London alongside a study published in the European Journal of Psychology show differently. These studies indicate that it actually takes closer to two months, not one, to form new habits. And in some people, it takes considerably more time.

So here’s my challenge to you!

green superfoodPick up our CELL Infuse Super Greens 2 canister pack and lock in the best life changing habit you could experience!! It is not just what you take, it is what you absorb…The Super Greens will not only help you FEEL YOUNG AGAIN, YOU WILL LOOK IT.CELL Infuse Super Greens double pack

buy now


Your Body Tomorrow = What You Choose To Put In It Today”

Scientist are saying “Every cell in your body dies and is replaced by new cells”.

Our youngest daughter said to me only this week, “now I have got in the habit of taking the greens each morning I just wouldn’t go without. I feel so much better, more balanced, more energy”, even her husband goes to the fridge and helps himself, something she has never known him to do previously. She lives in the Adelaide Hills, they are both in business leading busy lives, with three children, the weather is cold, so it’s crucial for the greens to keep their immune systems strong.

Click here to order now

Increase your Oxygen uptake at the Cellular Level & Enhance your Skin Care

Can you afford to be without it? It is No1 in our lives

benefits of oxygenWe all know oxygen is the vital element to our human body, to sustain life. Insufficient oxygen means insufficient biological resources, which can result in ailments ranging from mild fatigue to life threatening diseases.

I have been fortunate to see the benefits with technology when increased levels of oxygen are added to your daily routine along with right nutrition. For some years I was testing people’s Circulation/Heart etc with technology. I was amazed to see the effects of an oxygen supplementation had on the body over a short period of time.

My true passion is to see the internal health of people be at it’s best, or on the way to good health and in-turn to see their outside shine. Not only will your skin, hair and nails grow stronger and healthy but your eyes will show the true picture of your inner health.

oxygen improves healthMost of us are not able to get proper amounts of oxygen into our cells and tissues, due partly to poor air quality, habits and oxygen – depleting their activities, and not being able to exercise. To see less disease we must get more oxygen into the lungs and bloodstream along with cells and tissues. Clearly, we learn the primary physical cause of disease is linked in one way or another to oxygen deficiency.

Some answers… Oxygenated Water, oxygen rich therapies, foods and supplements will assist in these areas. When the human body is supplied with an abundance of oxygen things like pathogens, viruses, harmful bacteria toxins cannot survive in an high-oxygen environment.

So, would you like to experience?CELL Infuse Oxygen Supplement

  • Your energy levels boosted.
  • A stronger Immune system.
  • Heightened concentration and alertness.
  • Better absorption from other nutrients or supplements.
  • Faster healing and recovery from injury, stress and strenuous exercise.

This is my personal tip re Oxygen with your skin care routine. It’s something I regularly do. Spray oxygen into your palm with the CELL Infuse CoQ10 before applying to the skin (this can be with any serum) or spray a couple of pumps when cleansing at night, 2-3 times weekly. Your skin will love you.

Click here to find out more about this premium oxygen supplement.

2 Key Products to Renew & Revitalize your tired & lacklustre complexion

2 Key Products to Renew & Revitalize your tired & lacklustre complexion

Say hello to rejuvenated, healthy, youthful skin & the WOW that comes with it.

youthful skinI am excited to bring this weeks message to you, to encourage & remind you how you can look and feel younger with cutting edge nutrients.

Would you like a renewed sense of confidence and security at social events big and small simply by making a few changes to your skincare? How excited & rewarded will you feel when someone says you are glowing, or that you look younger than your age.

No matter what kind of skin you have – dark to fair, normal to sensitive, this solution for rejuvenated skin can make the difference. You can rub all of the antioxidants, stem cells, moisturizers, vitamins and nutrients you want, onto your face… but they’re probably only sitting on the the surface. (I know!!! it’s disappointing to learn that they are not getting to where the real repair needs to happen)

So, what does it really take to help banish wrinkles, rebuild and rejuvenate healthy, supple, youthful skin? Some work on the inside as well as the outside to work with your body to:

  • skin structureDetox the body of unwanted toxins.
  • Get your bowels regular and functionally as they should.
  • Purify the blood.
  • Balance the hormones. etc

Only then will you have the results you are looking for.

Two of the best products with ingredients to achieve all the above to start working internally, are available to buy right here through this website. You will see the results of these powerful ingredients working together as your cells are ready to take it up for you to receive maximum benefit.

1. CELL Infuse Super Greens with Organic ingredients Spirulina, Chlorella, Moringa, Maca, Acai, Camu Camu, Wheatgrass, Cacao. In a pure, raw source with high concentration only then may your body utilize and be given a second chance to rebuild a new you from the inside out.

2. LifeCell Collagen Booster with 400mg Collagen, 180mg Resveratrol, 30mg Hyaluronic Acid.

Repairing your skin, rebuilding and rejuvenating your skin from the inside – can and is the only way to erase decades of aging, and as your internal health improves, your skin will glow and the WOW will come.

click here to order

The Power in Maca and Camu Camu

The Power in Maca and Camu Camu

This week I would like to share two more nutrients that have had my attention for sometime… powerful nutrients that can assist our health is so many ways. Remember also that there are many levels of ‘quality’ in all available nutrients. Here at LifeCell Australia we have chosen to source only the best.


Peruvian MacaIn recent years, Maca has gained the reputation of being a super nutrient. However, it has been traditionally used for over 2,000 years to address a variety of health conditions. It is a hearty root vegetable.

The purest and best source is grown in the Andean plateaus of Peru. This is the Maca I have chosen to use. It is full of essential nutrients drawn from mineral rich soil of the high Andes and ancient Inca have been known to worship it as a sacred plant. Some have referred to this Maca as gold.

In 1960, Gloria Chacon de Popovici, Phd. a Peruvian biologist identified four alkaloids specific to Maca responsiable in assisting hormonal issues for hot flushes, fatigue, memory conditions and mood swings. It is also noted for assisting physical strength and libido concerns.

Recognized Benefits of Maca:

maca root powder1. Helps strengthen the bodies immune system.
2. Can promote mental clarity.
3. Assists reproductive health.
4. Can enhance fertility in both men and women.
5. Increases the body’s resistance to stress, trauma, anxiety and fatigue.
6. Assists minor discomfort symptoms of menopause and PMS.
7. High in iron content.
8. Can assist to normalize cholesterol levels.


Camu Camu

Camu Camu with Vitamin CCamu Camu is a purple/red berry from a bush usually grown in rainforests. It is a very rich source of antioxidants and quite powerful phytochemicals. It is a powerful botanical source of Vitamin C, recognized to be 30-60 times stronger than an orange in equivalent form. Research shows it to assist, support and enhance health, particularly immune system and mental health. It also contains beneficial phytochemicals such as leucine, serine and valine, as well as boosting levels of beta carotene, calcium, iron, potassium, niacin, phosphorus, riboflavin and thiamine. All of these offer great therapeutic benefits.

Dr James Duke Ph.D. a retired Botanist who is the author of a number of books including “The Green Pharmacy” makes mention that Camu Camu is one of the most outstanding natural mood support nutrients and is highly commended as a No1 Natural remedy for traditional ailments.

Recognized Benefits of Camu Camu:Raw Camu Camu

1. May assist in strengthening tendons and ligaments.
2. Can assist soreness within the body.
3. Helps organs such as eyes, brain, heart, skin and liver to keep in good condition.
4. Maintains healthy skin, hair and nails.
5. Support respiratory function to keep our lungs healthy.


Maca and Camu Camu are two of the key ingredients in the new CELL Infuse Super Greens
Find out more about this organic superfood by clicking here.




Cacao – Becoming known as the No1 Longevity drink

Cacao Powder Health Benefits

cacao powder health benefitsThis week I would like to share with you my favourite hot drink that I enjoy mixed with Coconut or Almond milk. I so enjoy for two reasons, the taste and the amazing benefits it has for our brain and blood functions. This drink has no sugar, some people will want to add a little honey but I prefer as it is. Try for yourself?

Cacao, a component of chocolate, researchers say is “one of nature’s most fantastic nutrients”. It comes from raw cacao seeds, a product of the fruit grown on the Cacao tree (theobroma cacao). I encourage you to get an alkalising (non-acidic) form, that is both organic and in raw form.

Let’s now look at some of the known benefits as evidenced by published research:

1. As stated, Cacao can increase blood flow to our brains hence enhancing brain function.
2. Cacao contains a certain compound that may trigger weight loss, helping you to feel good and improve our moods considerably.
3. Known to have more antioxidant flavonoids than foods like blueberries, red wine, black and green teas.
4. Endorphins..Cacao stimulates the secretion of endorphins, which can produce pleasurable sensations that some people experience when running or jogging.
5. It is a source of magnesium, assisting in balancing of brain chemistry, bone health, heart beat, blood pressure, constipation and cramps.
6. Contains a sulfur component, our “beauty mineral” to build nails and hair, and will promote beautiful skin,
7. Serotonin.. Cacao can raise the level of serotonin in our brains, hence helping our moods and giving us a feeling of well being.

I want to leave you with this thought…

Being informed, you and I are among those people who have the opportunity to take control of how quickly we age, and how long we can keep & retain the power of our youth.

The Cacao seed is a great step towards achieving that..

Where can you find dense amounts of organic Cacao in the right form? ….in our newly released CELL Infuse Super Greens.

CELL Infuse Super Greens

Until next week,
Let’s shine from inside out!
LifeCell Australia Team

Moringa – The Miracle Tree

Bring Out Your Radiance from Within

As many of you know your inner health and outer beauty are tightly connected. What happens with one is directly affecting the other. This week I would like to share the amazing benefits of a particular nutrient, Moringa. I have been amazed with the evidence that is available today to demonstrate the power of healing it can give the body in so many varied ways.

Moringa is a genus tree…. The leaves of the species called moringa oleifera, have become recognized in recent years as being highly beneficial to human health.

moringa treeMoringa leaves can be known to be an anti-aging powerhouse because they contain several thousand times more of the powerful anti-aging nutrient zeatin than any other known plant. A study published in Rejuvenation Research shows the undeniable youth-preserving effects of zeatin because it can have the ability to induce cell division and growth, and delay cell aging.

With the zeatin contained in moringa, new skin cells grow at a faster rate than our old skin cells die. This can have a marked reduction of wrinkles on the face and other parts of the body, and more youthful skin appearance.

Moringa leaves also have 90 essential nutrients and 2 compounds that evidence suggests may prevent cancer and may reduce tumors (or retarding their growth). This has earned moringa the reputation of being a cancer preventative plant. India’s natural Ayurvedic medicine uses moringa leaves to prevent and treat over 300 diseases.

A Bureau of Plant Industry report states that, gram per gram, moringa leaves contain: Twice the protein content of 8 ounces of milk (and 4 times the calcium); the Vitamin C equivalent of 7 oranges; the potassium content of 3 bananas; 3 times the iron of spinach; and 4 times the Vitamin A of carrots.

moringa oleifera benefits


moringa superfood benefits


We have included dense amounts of Moringa in our new CELL Infuse Super Greens.

new organic superfood

For more details go to:

Introducing CELL Infuse Super Greens

CELL Infuse Super Greens

We at LifeCell Australia are very excited as we are just about to release CELL Infuse Super Greens to the public. This product contains significant amounts of 8 high quality organic ingredients, in a raw form that our body can absorb and utilize to assist in Revitalizing, Rejuvenation, Renewing and Regenerating of your body. In the next few weeks I will share in more depth about each of the nutrients. Starting below with:

No. 1: Spirulina

spirulinaSpirulina is blue green algae, which can be considered the most nutrient dense food on the planet. It contains concentrations of nutrients far exceeding any other known vegetation.It is the best source of vegetable protein, containing about 65% protein—higher than any other natural food—far more than animal flesh (20%), eggs (12%), whole milk (3%),soybeans (35%), peanuts (25%), or grains (8 to 14%). It is considered a complete protein because it contains all the essential amino acids.

Spirulina contains extraordinary concentrations of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, such as beta carotene (ten times more concentrated than that of carrots), iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium, chromium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, essential trace minerals, and gamma-linolenic acid.It is also the most abundant source of Vitamin B-12, and is also rich in phytonutrients and functional nutrients that have a demonstrably positive effect on health.

Because spirulina’s nutrient profile is more potent than that of any other food, plant, grain or herb, it is considered a superior whole food alternative to isolated vitamin supplements. In addition to its contribution to the body’s nutritional needs, it has been shown to assist in the treatment of cancer, high cholesterol, allergies, anemia, elevated blood sugar, cardiovascular diseases, viral infections, inflammatory conditions, liver damage and immunodeficiency diseases.

No. 2: Chlorella

chlorella powderChlorella is a single-celled, water-grown algae that contains more health enhancing chlorophyll per gram than any other plant. It is extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and many other nutrients that are beneficial to your health. Chlorella also has an abundance of nucleic acids, which have powerful rejuvenating properties that slow down the aging process, keeps the skin looking youthful and wrinkle-free, and helps you have a longer life.

Dr. Benjamin S. Frank, author of The No-Aging Diet and Nucleic Acid Therapy in Aging and Degenerative Disease, treated his patients with foods rich in nucleic acids. He reported that such a diet made his patients look and feel 6 to 12 years younger than their chronological age, and their overall health dramatically improved. They also experienced a substantial fading of lines and wrinkles, and developed healthier, younger-looking skin after only 2 months.

Click here to learn more about CELL Infuse Super Greens

Let’s shine from inside out!
Judy and the LCA Team