Talking Beautiful Inside & Out

Would you like to feel more beautiful from the inside out?

Start by including some organic beauty foods to nourish your body, healthy ones with ingredients that make our skin look amazing and have you feeling better about yourself.

But I must share you don’t have to buy EVERYTHING organic!! Some foods can be a choice!

organic meatSome foods are important to buy organics, and others you can definitely get by with the regular produce. For example, I always choose organic meats to avoid being exposed to the synthetic hormones that non-organic livestock is generally treated with throughout their life cycle. Sure, it’s a little more expensive, but some things are just worth paying for — protecting the health of my family is definitely one of them!

That said, I’m all about saving cash and keep using everyday non-organic products that make sense, and that’s why there are certain foods I NEVER buy organic. Why? Because for some foods, there is no additional benefit to the organic vs. the non-organic version.

Let me explain more…

choose organic food to feel beautifulWhen it comes to produce, the benefit of buying organic is to avoid ingesting pesticides and chemicals that are generally used on non-organic fruits and vegetables. That said, foods like bananas, avocados, oranges, melons, and grapefruits have a thick skin barrier between the outside world and the fruit itself so the pesticides actually never come in contact with the fruit that you eat, and of course these are fruits where the outer layer is typically discarded.

pesticide freeContrast that with apples, tomatoes, pears, and other fruits and veggies where you eat the skin, and you’ll see why it’s important to choose organic for some and not for others.

So, here is my rule no 1 … if a fruit has a thick skin that you discard and don’t eat, here is where you can save some cash and go with the non-organic version.

Why are the CELL Infuse Products nearly all organic?

Because not only will they feel amazing as you apply on the skin, but you will not have toxicity that can cause an overload of  mimic estrogen that will lead long term fat gain and hormonal imbalance. I choose pure extracts that will penetrate deeper and work more efficiently.

CELL Infuse Organic Body CustardThis week we release our CELL Infuse Organic Body Custard with rich ingredients to heal and rejuvenate your skin. You will love the feel of this as you apply, smooth and silky giving your skin a rich healthy glow it deserves.

Feel the difference! Become more beautiful! inside and out. Be more nourished. Be more kind to yourself about aging. So let’s start talking Beautiful!

Yours in good health,
Judy and  Team.

Staying Healthy As We Reach 40 Plus

The key to staying healthy and active no matter what your age

healthy lifeI don’t believe for a moment that ageing, and the ‘symptoms’ that come with it, is inevitable. You can stay healthy, energised, flexible and sharp into your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond, I am living proof of this!

There are many things you can do to protect your body, mind and skin from the passing of time, but there is one proven thing you simply must do – it’s my number one tip for staying healthy and active, and here it is: fight inflammation.

An unhealthy inflammatory response in the body is linked to many health conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, varicose, veins and autoimmune disease. It also causes our bodies, minds and skin to age faster than it should.

Maintaining a healthy inflammatory response body-wide is the single most effective way to keep your body and mind functioning optimally as you get older.

The one thing you must do for a health body and mind

what are free radicalsFree radicals are oxidised toxins that accelerate the aging process, and they’re everywhere. Free radicals are in the air we breathe and the water we drink. They’re in the food we eat. Alcohol and cigarettes are absolutely loaded with damaging free radicals.

Then there’s stress, toxins from personal-care products, pesticides and chemicals, lack of exercise… All of these increase levels of these health-demons.

In other words, you are under constant attack from the inside out.

Not only do free radicals make you look and feel older, they disrupt your body’s healthy inflammatory response and contribute to everything from joint problems, to heart issues, to cognitive decline, to deteriorating vision. Free radicals also damage the mitochondrial cells – your body’s energy “power plants” – contributing to fatigue and low energy levels.

I’m sure you’ve seen how an apple begins to turn brown soon after having its skin peeled? Well, this degeneration of the apple’s cells is called singlet oxidation. This same degenerative process turns metal into rust – and that’s what’s happening to your body when it is loaded up with free radicals.

Defy your age by doing this one thing

carotenoids-for-longevityUnquestionably, free-radical-fighting antioxidants are the key to promoting a healthy inflammatory response. However, some antioxidants prove to be better than others.

I personally focus on specific carotenoid molecules, as these are some of the most powerful antioxidant available anywhere on earth. These naturally occurring pigments give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colours and have names like lycopene (found in red tomatoes) and beta-carotene (found in orange carrots), lutein, canthaxanthin (the gold in chanterelle mushrooms), zeaxanthin in capsicums, kiwi fruit, corn, grapes, and oranges.

This is it: my number one anti-ageing anti-inflammatory tip.

heart healthHaving a rich source of these powerful antioxidants in your diet, through supplements and in your skincare ensures you are winning the war against free radicals and will be able to have fun and play with your grandchildren right into your 70s, 80s and even 90s!

At LifeCell Australia we are dedicated to providing you with both. Powerful Superfoods to provide the nutritional boost you need and toxin free, organic skincare to allow you to avoid that free radical bombardment. Partner with us and enjoy these products.

Yours in good health,

Judy and the LCA Team.

Five Ways To Give Your Liver Some Loving

At this time of year, many of us are feeling the effects of overindulgence and the idea of “detoxing” and “cleansing” becomes very appealing! While it’s essential for your health, energy and appearance to regularly give your liver a break, you don’t have to launch into a strict juice diet or harsh regime to do so. Once you’ve eased back or eliminated alcohol and “festive foods”, loving your liver is a year-round habit.

Here is my five-step approach to constant detoxing for optimal health:

Step 1: Limit your exposure to toxins

eat organic foodsChoose organic and non-genetically modified foods. Wash all your fruit and vegetables to remove residual pesticides and other pathogens. I have used Enviro Wash now for some years. Filter your drinking water. Get plastic containers and non-stick cookware out of your kitchen as the chemicals from these can leach into your food. Stop using your microwave. Choose organic or natural, non-toxic products for your skin care. Avoid unnecessary pharmaceuticals drugs.

Step 2: Support your pathways of elimination

drink-more-waterMake sure you’re getting enough fibre (plenty of fruit and vegetables, small amounts of wholegrains) to ensure that waste moves through your intestines efficiently, and increase your intake of water. A good rule of thumb is to consume at least half your body weight in fluid ounces of filtered water every day.

Step 3: Stay active

stay active to detox liverMany toxins are carried to the lungs to be eliminated in respiration. In addition, any type of sweating facilitates the release of toxins through the skin. For these reasons, regular exercise is essential – I suggest vigorous bursts of 12 to 18 minutes after warming up to expand the lungs. Non-active sweating in a sauna or steam bath can also be beneficial. A body scrub with loofa, body brush or similar twice a week helps the elimination process via the skin.

Step 4: Consume detox-promoting foods

detox foodsMany phytonutrients, found in plants, beans, nuts, wholegrains and seeds, enhance the operation of the body’s natural detoxification systems. It’s also important to eat enough protein as the liver uses protein to obtain the amino acids it needs to synthesise the master antioxidant compound, glutathione.

Step 5: My gentle approach to detoxing

liver detoxBreakthrough research suggests that certain natural compounds can help support your body’s natural ability to detoxify. For example, glutathione and milk thistle extract work together to support healthy, complete detoxification and optimal liver function. These two are my favourites, but there are several others that work great too! Dr Sandra Cabot has some great liver tonics, including LivaTone Classic in a capsule or powder. I find a one-to-two month block of time works well, rather than trying to rush detoxification in a few days.


Are you feeling the need to detox after the holidays? What is your typical regime?

Here’s to better health and living!
Judy & LCA team

Best Whole Foods For Your Face

The seven best foods for a youthful complexion

There was something I suspected for years, and now there is plenty of good evidence to back up my intuition. Here it is: some foods make you look older.

sugar freeAt the top of the list are sugar and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), which is found in many processed foods, sauces and drinks. These two damaging substances break down the natural collagen in your skin, which then speeds up the ageing process, making you look older than you should.

Obviously, I suggest you eliminate sugar and HFCS from your diet as a matter of priority. But Id also like to share with you the good news about what we put in our mouthsjust as some food makes you look older, other foods can reverse the damage that causes ageing.

There are hundreds of studies showing antioxidants and other nutrients in food slow down the signs of ageing by disarming, or neutralising, free radicals that damage healthy skin, hair and nail cells.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Researchers have identified only a fraction of the active nutrients in our foods. As-yet unrecognised compounds in food work behind the scenes to boost the effects of individual nutrients. Thats why one serving of a whole food can be more effective than a mega-dose of supplements.

Here are seven wholefoods that will protect, nourish and heal your skin cells:

Cacao: gives skin a healthy glow

cacao powderCacao, the core ingredient in chocolate, can DOUBLE blood flow to your skin. The increased supply of nutrients and oxygen adds up to a healthy glow. This was one of the reasons I chose to put alkalizing cacao in CELL Infuse Super Greens Chocolates secret ingredient is flavonoids. In an American Journal of Nutrition study, women drinking a cocoa/cacao drink every day significantly improved their appearanceafter 12 weeks their skin was 16 per cent denser, 11 per cent thicker, held 13 per cent more moisture, was 30 per cent less rough, and 42 per cent less scaly. Make sure the chocolate you choose is at least 70 per cent cacao.

builds new collagen

Collagen is the basic structure of your skin; it starts breaking down in your late 20s. But vitamin C helps rebuild collagen and reduce wrinkles. A 2007 study of 4025 women showed those eating more vitamin C-rich foods had fewer wrinkles. Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C, as are strawberries, red bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, pomegranates, mangoes, and kiwifruit.

natures sunscreen

The magic ingredient in tomatoes is lycopene, which acts as natural a sunblock, preventing sunspots, dryness and wrinkles caused by ultraviolet radiation. In a Journal of Nutrition study, subjects who ate tomato paste every day for 10 weeks showed less damage when subjected to UV radiation. Lycopene has also been shown to repair skin cells damaged by sunlight. Red or orange fruits and vegetables like tomatoes have high levels of this skin-loving nutrient.

for a dewy complexion

watermelon saladWatermelon has a lot going for it, including antioxidants, vitamin C and lycopene. But what makes watermelon my pick for that young, dewy look is potassium. This often-ignored mineral regulates the balance of water and nutrients in your cells. In season, enjoy one or two cups of watermelon every week.

improve skin texture

Vitamin E is stored in the membranes of your skin cells and is essential for smooth skin. This vitamin deflects attacks by free radicals, and vitamin E in almonds promotes oil production to keep your skin moisturised. Other good sources include avocados, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

Salmon: heals dry skin

salmonYou might think drinking too little water leads to dry skin. However, a significant cause of scaly skin actually comes from too little fat in your system. Salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found one serving of salmon every five days can prevent ugly, dry, precancerous patches called actinic keratosis. Insist on wild-caught salmon; farm-raised versions wont have the same benefits.

erase under-eye circles

Iron is the secret to fading under-eye circles (also known as bags under your eyes). Iron deficiency can make your skin appear very pale, which emphasises the darkness under your eyes. Great sources of iron include grass-fed beef and liver. To maximise absorption I would suggest digestive enzymes, or consuming vitamin C rich greens.


Are you getting enough of these essential wholefoods?

Heres to abundant health!
Judy & LifeCell Australia team.

Want to know the secret to staying young inside (and out)?

telomeresIf you’re a long-time follower of LifeCell Australia, then you’ll already know the answer to the question: What is the secret to slowing ageing?

It’s a topic I am extremely passionate about and something I hope to explain to as many people as I possibly can! The answer is this: the secret to staying young on the inside – and out – is your telomeres. These are the protective caps at the end of each strand of your DNA.

When you are young, your telomeres are long. But every time a cell divides the telomeres get shorter. Over time, your telomeres get so short they can’t protect your DNA as well. When a cell divides, new cells are defective. You begin to develop the signs and diseases of old age.

Ageing is not inevitable – here’s how to slow it down

This was my primary concern when formulating the CELL Infuse Super Greens  and I researched this topic to discover the most appropriate nutrients to deliver this result. I also learned that there are several things we can do in our lifestyles to improve the health and youthfulness of our telomeres.

eat healthy food for longevity1. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables.

Diets lower in refined carbohydrates and higher in fresh fruits and vegetables are linked to longer telomeres. Also, eating magnesium-rich foods, such as leafy greens, preserves and repairs DNA. Boost your magnesium levels by eating more kale, spinach, Swiss chard and seaweed. Other good choices include quinoa, lentils, almonds, sesame seeds, avocado, spirulina, and dark chocolate.

2. Exercise.

exercise for staying youngStudies show people who do little or no exercise have the highest risk of short telomeres. Vigorous exercise can lead to longer telomeres, but you don’t have to be an endurance athlete to stretch your telomeres!

Short bursts of medium to high intensity exercise can give you anti-aging benefits. I personally include a 12 to 18-minute incline in my regular run to expand the lungs and strengthen the body. I suggest you build up to this – and don’t use your age as an excuse not to try.

3. Reduce Your Stress.

reduce stress to slow ageingI suggest some meditation or listening to relaxing music. These are the best ways to reduce stress, and can also turn on telomerase activity, the enzyme that rebuilds telomeres and helps rebuild a younger body.

4. Raise Your HDL Levels.

One of the best ways to maintain your telomeres is to raise your HDL (“good”) cholesterol as high as you can, as studies show that people with the highest HDL have the longest telomeres. You might want to consider taking a vitamin E complex called tocotrienols. Studies show that these give your HDL a huge boost. Look for a tocotrienol supplement with as much gamma and delta tocotrienols as you can.

Here’s to a more youthful you!

Judy & Team

CoQ10, The Miracle Co-enzyme

Understanding CoQ10’s extraordinary anti-ageing effect

I can’t tell you how excited I get about this nutrient, having seen firsthand the powerful change it brings to skin, body, energy levels and mental clarity. It is, without a doubt, the Number 1 anti-ageing nutrient. I’m talking about a co-enzyme called Ubidecarenone, which is also known as Coenzyme Q10 and Ubiquinone. We like to call it CoQ10.

CoQ10 for energy and staminaCoQ10 is important for the health of virtually all human tissues and organs as it plays an essential role in the production of energy in all cells. It is an antioxidant that mops up the damage caused by free radicals, which in turn are caused by stress, pollution, too much of the wrong foods, alcohol and life in general.

But from the age of 30 onward, our body’s production of CoQ10 and other antioxidants slows down. Older adults have been found to have less than half the naturally occurring levels of CoQ10 than our younger counterparts. This is believed to be a significant contributor to the typical loss of energy, stamina, and mental acuity associated with growing older.

Why does my body need CoQ10?

CoQ10 benefits for face and skinIn scientific trials, I have seen the difference CoQ10 can make. In just six weeks, people look energised, brighter – younger. Coenzyme Q10 affects your body at all levels by re-energising the mitochondria – the cell’s’ energy source.

It fights off the environmental threats that accelerate aging, making your skin dull, sagging, and wrinkled. It can create a youthful glow from the inside out, keeping the cells in your skin younger, longer for longer. But the magic doesn’t stop there.

Your body needs this nutrient at every level

CoQ10 for mental clarityCoQ10 works at all levels. Most organs function better with optimum levels: skin, brain, eye, heart, gums, immune system, and muscles. By taking good quality CoQ10 supplements you can increase your energy levels, improve cholesterol and blood pressure and even slow or reverse aging or disease.  My preferred supplement would be Bioceuticals Ubiquinol 150mg.

Research and clinical studies show that CoQ10 has a wide range of additional important health benefits, including:

  • Greater focus and clarity in thinking
  • Decreasing your risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s
  • Relief for migraine headaches
  • Improving performance for endurance athletes
  • Preventing skeletal decline
  • Speeding up the metabolism of fats in our bodies
  • The Number 1 anti-ageing nutrient you’ve may never heard of

After extensive research, I have learned that Ubiquinol is the most active and absorbable form of CoQ10 available, keeping your levels of CoQ10 high up to eight times longer.

Our CELL Infuse CoQ10 Complex,  locks in and protects all those exceptional ingredients.

Did you know that CoQ10 is one of the most promising tools in the anti-aging arsenal; could you use some in your life?

To your health, naturally!
Judy & Team

Should You Consider Going Gluten-Free?

You’ve no doubt heard by now that gluten is something more and more people are avoiding. Is this the right choice for you? Only you can decide that. All I can do is tell you my story and what I know about gluten and let you make up your mind from there.

I have always been an advocate of good food. For a number of years, I went completely gluten-free however today I have scaled it back somewhat and eat gluten-free most of the time (I do love a small piece of rye bread at times). I’ve found a healthy diet has many positive effects physically and mentally, and helps keep me biologically young, lean and strong into my more mature years.

So what is a healthy diet? I’ll tell you what I told clients at the Nutritional Institute: for lunch and dinner, a serve of protein the size of the palm of your hand with low-glycaemic carbohydrates (salad or vegetables). For breakfast, poached or boiled eggs along with avocado, tomato and greens or a large protein smoothie with the right combination of fruits.

My gluten-free journey

natural gluten free dietHealthy Skin: My skin glows when I’m eating good, clean/nourishing foods and drinking plenty of alkalizing water.

More Energy: Eating small, healthy meals throughout the day has given me more energy. It assists in balancing my blood sugar levels allowing me to perform/work for longer hours.

Mental Clarity: When I am well rested and eating well, I find I have more mental alertness and better clarity.  I’m better able to focus and concentrate because my body isn’t wasting energy digesting inferior food.

Improved Digestion: With my history of cancer, eating the correct good/ clean foods combined with the right natural supplements, prayer or meditation does wonders for keeping me feeling balanced.

Better Moods: Goodbye to the ups and downs, hello to a nicer/calmer person! Feeling energetic throughout the day has made me a happier and more positive person.

6 reasons to consider giving up gluten

(1) Gastrointestinal (stomach, and digestive system) problems. These can include one or some of the following: gas, bloating, queasiness, abdominal cramping, constipation, diarrhoea, or an alternating combination of both. This is sometimes known as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

(2) Headaches and/or migraines.

(3) Fibromyalgia. This is not a disease, it’s a syndrome. Fibro= Connective Tissue; Myo= Muscle; Algia= Pain; generalised aching of joints and muscles.

(4) Emotional issues involving chronic irritability and sudden, irrational mood shifts.

clarity of mind(5) Neurological issues, including dizziness, difficulty balancing, and peripheral neuropathy affecting nerves outside the central nervous system and resulting in pain, weakness, tingling or numbness in the extremities.

(6) Fatigue, whether chronic or after every meal. Chronic fatigue syndrome, like fibromyalgia is often diagnosed because the doctor can’t locate the cause of your fatigue.

Sometimes these symptoms appear right after meals and don’t last long. In other cases, the symptoms can last for weeks or even chronically, which often leads to the diagnosis of an autoimmune disease instead of gluten intolerance.

CELL Infuse Super Greens is gluten-free.

For all these reasons and more, I decided to take the extra step of using sprouted wheatgrass in CELL Infuse Super Greens. This way, you get the wonderful benefits of the wheatgrass (all the vitamins plus 17 amino acids) without the gluten.

Benefits of sprouted wheatgrass:

gluten-free-green-drink1. Regulates normal cell growth: Studies show that wheatgrass juice can have a powerful ability to regulate cell growth.
2. Powerful detoxifier: Wheatgrass can protect the liver and the blood, and neutralises toxic substances like cadmium, nicotine, strontium, mercury and polyvinyl chloride.
3. Blood builder: The chlorophyll in wheatgrass is almost identical in chemical composition to haemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in the blood.

Here’s to better health and living!
Judy & team

Why less is so much more with CELL Infuse Super Greens

CELL-Infuse-Super-Greens1-mediumI can’t tell you how proud I am of CELL Infuse Super Greens. So much work and research has gone into developing the perfect nutritional supplement for radiant health. But before I tell you more about that, I want to let you in on a little secret. It’s the reason our Super Greens are so far ahead or the others.

The big secret is… less.

In an effort to appeal to consumers, many commercial green powders contain a laundry list of ingredients. It’s not uncommon to see 20 different items listed on the packet, and sometimes much more than that – we’ve seen some with 80+ ingredients!

While this may look impressive of the label, the reality is, you’re only going to get a trace amount of each, which is usually too small to deliver any noticeable benefits to your health.

The CELL Infuse Super Greens contain just eight organic ingredients.

This means each scoop provides an effective serve of the chosen eight, which are also proportionally balanced to provide tangible, measurable results.

The Super-8 that give Super Greens their power

  • Spirulina
  • Chlorella
  • Moringa
  • Maca
  • Acai
  • Camu Camu
  • Wheatgrass
  • Cacao

wheatgrass2I have selected these eight ingredients because of their unique properties, which range from anti-ageing to detoxing, from fighting inflammation to fortifying us essential vitamins and minerals. Together they rejuvenate, energise, renew and rebuild this wonderful home we live in, our body.

Another reason CELL Infuse Super Greens stands head and shoulders above the rest is that all of our ingredients are organic.

Non-organic ingredients, found in some other powders, may be nutrient deficient and contain pesticides and chemical additives. The aim of a nutritional green powder is to lighten the load for the body, not add to it with more toxicity!

To ensure this, all ingredients should be raw, not highly processed, as this robs them of nutrient value. Critical vitamins and phytonutrients are destroyed or damaged when cooked or processed. This makes them less bio-available  – less able to be assimilated into our body.

LC supergreens fb tiles OCT15 FINALWhen developing CELL Infuse Super Greens, I considered all the bodily system functions and identified the most potent, alkalising raw ingredients to bring each system into balance.

Most of the wonderful ingredients come from here in Australia; I only reach overseas when I can’t access the top quality I demand. I have assessed each ingredient and questioned how it can best work with the body. For example, our wheatgrass is harvested while sprouting to ensure it is gluten-free.

So now you know. I intentionally set out to give you less! And in doing so, I assure you, you are getting so much more.

To your abundant health!

Judy & Team

(28/11/17 We’ve currently discontinued our Super Greens, but ask us about our similar formulations on

Inner Health – Outer Beauty

beautiful glowing skinIf you truly want to have glowing, beautiful skin, you have to start from the inside out. Good makeup can help to mask issues, but it can only do so much if your skin is unhealthy. Even our LifeCell anti-aging cream moisturizer can’t transform your skin the way a healthy diet can.

People who have bowel challenges, often find their skin is affected. Let’s look at one – Crohn’s disease or irritable bowel syndrome as it all get’s back to inflammation. These concerns go back to absorption and nutritional deficiencies 90% of the time.

probiotic yoghurtStraight away this tells us we must eat good food to start with. We know Traditional Chinese Medicine believes the bowel is directly linked to the skin, and it seems that they are right about this. If you want healthy skin, you must have healthy digestion along with elimination. So you may be saying this sounds like me, it is not only what we eat, it is what we absorb and utilize. One of the best ways to correct this is to take an enzymes 20 mins prior to your meal and a probiotic on an empty stomach. You may prefer to eat probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt or fermented vegetables, or try a supplemental probiotic or both. Supplemental enzymes can work wonders!!

Organic Super GreensI enjoy juicing each morning. Organic spinach, kale, beetroot, carrot, ginger, turmeric and lemon for this reason. Then I add the CELL Infuse Organic Super Greens – that way I am getting all the enzymes necessary to help the absorption. I know I am also counteracting if I have any fires to put out internally (inflammation). We are all aware inflammation can lead to greater health challenges. At lunch time I often have a dessertspoon of fermented vegetables. At night approximately half hour before dinner on an empty stomach both my husband and I take a probiotic.

Below is a testimony from one of our customers…

Melissa Palmer – August 25, 2015: “After 2 major bowel surgeries in 2013 my system was just not functioning properly. I would suffer from painful swellings – eating even walking sometimes became an issue. Doctors, Dieticians could not find the answers. After a few days of taking CELL Infuse Super Greens regularity returned, the pain and swelling disappeared. The internal inflammation had gone. I have more energy and my skin is looking better. This really has been a life changing product for me. I am so grateful.

To a more healthy and vibrant life!
Judy & the LCA Team

Organic Gluten Free Sprouted Wheatgrass

Organic Gluten Free Sprouted Wheatgrass

wheatgrassAs many of you know my passion is to put Organic Nutrition into our bodies and Natural Products onto our skin. A toxic free anti-aging approach. In formulating our CELL Infuse Super Greens I only wanted to source a wheat grass that was ‘sprouted’ as this makes it gluten free … along with seven other Organic Superfoods to make our powerful Super Greens. The importance was and is on ingredients that would have our CELL Infuse Super Greens stands on its own to rebuild, rejuvenate and regenerate our bodies as well as:

  • Detoxify & purify the blood as well
  • Address the hormones & adrenals
  • Stimulate the immune system along with addressing inflammation

Did you know that wheatgrass can be an abundant source of liquid oxygen?

red blood cellsBoosting the production of red blood cells and increasing oxygen in the blood it helps fight cancer cells because as many of us know cancer cannot survive in such alkaline rich environment. Wheatgrass is made up of an impressive array of nutrients that reinforce and rejuvenate everything from our cells and tissues to our organs and bodily systems. In addition to its 70% chlorophyll makeup, wheatgrass contains 17 essential amino acids, 90 minerals, 13 vitamins and 80 enzymes. Prominent research scientist Dr. Earp-Thomas says that, “15 pounds of wheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery and so forth.”

wheatgrass juiceWheatgrass delivers an impenetrable line of defense against disease. An all-natural and powerful detoxifier, wheatgrass protects the liver and purifies the blood by neutralizing toxic substances such as cadmium, nicotine, strontium, mercury and polyvinyl chloride.

Detoxifying is the first place to start. From there, wheatgrass takes the offensive and acts as an anti-cancer agent that aims to stop tumours in it’s track.

Acknowledged Benefits:

healthier you1. Can regulate normal cell growth: Studies show that wheatgrass juice can have a powerful ability to regulate cell growth.
2. Powerful detoxifier: Wheatgrass can protect the liver and the blood and neutralizes toxic substances like cadmium, nicotine, strontium, mercury and polyvinyl chloride.
3. Blood builder: The chlorophyll in wheatgrass is almost identical in chemical composition to hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in the blood.

Here’s to a healthier you!!
Judy & Team

28/11/17 We have discontinued our Super Greens blend however ask us about our similar formulation to boost your immune system at