So how do you get gorgeous skin without the risks? Look to nature!

Here are some tips of my favourite nutrients for your skin:

gorgeous skin

1. CoQ10 – By your 35th birthday, your body starts to lose the ability to make CoQ10. And CoQ10 is one of your skin’s major defences. So, applying CoQ10 directly to your skin has an amazing effect. It revives the activity of mitochondria – your cells’ “energy factories.” It boosts your body’s defences against UV rays. And CoQ10 helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles, too. Try our CELL CoQ10 Complex.

2. Hyaluronic acid (HLA)
 – Don’t be fooled by the name, HLA is completely natural. In fact, it’s your body’s own natural moisturizer. One reason it’s so effective is because it draws moisture from inside and outside your body. HLA also helps your body retain moisture and promotes skin healing. It’s like a mini-repair kit for aging skin, found of course in CELL Renew Serum & LifeCell Cream.

rosehip seed oil

3. Rose hip seed oil
 – When you think of rose hips, you might think of vitamin C. But rose hip seed oil is also naturally high in retinoic acid – a cousin to vitamin A. And it’s been proven to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and scars. Rose hips are also high in lycopene. Lycopene bolsters your body’s defences against the aging effects of ultraviolet rays. Our CELL Serum is based with rosehip seed oil.

4. Red tea (Rooibos)
 – This South-African shrub makes a delicious tea. But it’s also traditionally used as an antioxidant for skin care. In a recent human study, a red-tea preparation helped reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles by nearly 10 percent in just 30 days. Stay tuned to our blogs to see this included in our products in the future. In the meantime enjoy Rooibos tea, it is one that I enjoy to sip throughout the day.

rooibos tea

5. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA)
 – The word “acid” may make you a little jumpy when we’re talking about skin care. But ALA isn’t that kind of acid. It’s a powerful antioxidant. It helps bolster your skin’s natural defences against free-radical damage and promote smoother skin. When Swedish doctors tested ALA on a group of women in their 50s, the results were dramatic. In just 12 weeks, the women’s skin was over 50 percent smoother. Use our No 1 Product LifeCell Cream to gain the amazing benefits of ALA.

To all those amazing Mums we wish you a happy day this Sunday!


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Let’s look at 7 Foods for Younger Skin

Recently I shared with you about sugar and processed carbohydrates. They can add years to your appearance.Anti-aging foods

Today I would like to share the flip side. Just as some food makes you look older, other foods can reverse the damage that causes aging. It’s something I’ve shared for some years, but now there is much credible science backing this.

There are hundreds of studies showing antioxidants and other nutrients in food slow down the signs of aging. They disarm or neutralise free radicals that damage healthy skin, hair and nail cells.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Researchers have identified only a fraction of the active nutrients in our foods. Other as yet unrecognised compounds in food work behind the scenes to boost the effects of individual nutrients.

That’s why one serving of a whole food can be more effective than a mega-dose of supplements.
Here are just 7 ways you can start looking younger at your next meal…

1. Chocolate Gives Skin a Glow

dark chocolate

Chocolate can DOUBLE blood flow to your skin. The increased supply of nutrients and oxygen adds up to a healthy glow. Chocolate’s secret ingredient is flavonoids. In a Journal of Nutrition study, women drinking a cocoa drink every day significantly improved their appearance. After 12 weeks their skin was 16% denser, 11% thicker, 13% moister, 30% less rough, and 42% less scaly. Make sure your chocolate is at least 70% cacao.

2. Building New Collagen with Citrus Fruits


Collagen is the basic structure of your skin. It starts breaking down in your 20s. But vitamin C helps rebuild collagen and reduce wrinkles. A 2007 study of 4,025 women showed those eating more vitamin C foods had fewer wrinkles. Besides citrus fruits other great sources of vitamin C include strawberries, red bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, pomegranates, mangoes, and kiwi.

3. Tomatoes are Nature’s Sunscreen

Lycopene acts as natural a sunblock. It can prevent sun spots, dryness and wrinkles from ultraviolet radiation.

tomatoesRed or orange fruits and vegetables like tomatoes have high levels. When you eat these foods, lycopene settles into your skin’s outer layer. It can repair cells damaged by sunlight. In a Journal of Nutrition study, subjects who ate tomato paste every day for 10 weeks showed less damage when subjected to UV radiation.

4. Watermelon Gives You a Moist Dewy Complexion

Watermelon has a lot going for it including antioxidants, vitamin C, and lycopene. But what makes Watermelon WIDE

watermelon my pick for that young, dewy look is potassium. This often ignored mineral regulates the balance of water and nutrients in your cells. In season, enjoy one or two cups of watermelon every week.

5. Improve Skin Texture With Almonds

Vitamin E gets stored in the membranes of your skin cells and is key to smooth skin. It deflects attacks by free radicals. And vitamin E in almonds promotes oil production to keep your skin moisturized. O

almondsther good sources include avocados, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

6. Heal Dry Skin With Salmon


You might think drinking too little water leads to dry skin. However, a significant cause of scaly skin actually comes from TOO LITTLE FAT in your system. Salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acids. A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found one serving of salmon every five days can prevent ugly, dry, precancerous patches called actinic keratoses. Insist on wild caught salmon. Farm-raised versions won’t have the same benefits.

7. Erase Under-Eye Circles with Beef

grass fed beef

Iron is the secret to fading under-eye circles. Iron deficiency can make your skin appear very pale.
That emphasizes the darkness under your eyes. Great sources of iron include grass-fed beef and liver.

Until next week have a Wonderful Easter!

Consider including the above suggestions for that Younger More Beautiful You!



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Get Healthier Than You’ve Ever Been in Just 10 Minutes a Day!

When I heard this information regarding getting healthier in 10 minutes some 18 Take Care Of Your Body Its The Only Place You Have To Livemonths ago, I was alerted to put into practice myself and continued to research. Doctors and a number of personal trainers are using this form of exercise & getting great results.

We know exercise is the Fountain of Youth, and these days for many of us time is a very valuable commodity. We live in South East Queensland & close to home are many hills that I use for my daily exercise regime. After warming up first, I start with a brisk walk for 5 mins then run up one of the hills – initially it was for 10 mins, but now approximately 18 mins. I always finish with a good stretch.

What I have found is my lung capacity increased greatly, heart health improved along and my muscle mass index is in a good ratio for a person my age. The most exciting thing is my biological age has also come down. This form of exercise I do at least five days a week.

Everything is different when you train your body with short burst training, as shared above.

Short Burst Training

This extra oxygen is then used to release more energy, needed to meet the higher level of demand. Soon a point is reached when the body cannot breathe any faster or harder, and aerobic respiration alone cannot meet the enhanced energy demands.

During vigorous exercise the body needs a lot more energy. It gets this by breathing in deeper and faster and rushing the oxygen to the muscles also dilating blood vessels. So how do muscle cells get the extra energy they need? They get it by respiring anaerobically.

The Key to Fat Burning is an Oxygen Debt

Fat Loss Hierarchy

During anaerobic metabolism, the breakdown of glucose stops at an early point, producing lactic acid and two molecules of ATP. This anaerobic metabolism produces what’s called an oxygen debt. This debt is repaid later when oxygen becomes available.

When a skeletal muscle is heavily worked, the acute soreness that results is due partly to a build up of lactic acid. The presence of lactic acid can also be felt during exercise as a burning sensation in the muscles.

When you do short bursts of more intense exercise your body builds up this oxygen debt and continues to repay it after you’ve stopped the exercise. This process leads the body to burn off quick fuel sources such as fat deposits. At the same time the body automatically realizes it needs to build larger more powerful muscles to handle these quick intense bursts of exercise.

Circuit Training For Men And Women

If you want proof that short burst exercise leads to lean powerful muscles as opposed to the shrunken muscles of long duration exercisers just look at the physique of a sprint runner in comparison to the marathon runner’s legs.This all makes sense because our bodies weren’t created to do long duration exercise.

Think back to cave man days. Whether man was hunting or avoiding being the hunted he needed to move quick and with great intensity. Humans needed the kind of strength and endurance to climb up a tree or make a dash toward it’s prey. A sprint runner trains by doing short intense bursts of short runs, so he or she can build up strength and endurance.Do you think these people ever needed to slowly jog for an hour? Of course not. Our bodies just aren’t built for that.

I will continue to bring you more information in the coming weeks about stretching and how it keeps muscle mass toned and strong.

Here’s to remaining simply beautiful!

You Don’t Need Needles To Get Skin Nutrients Like Hyaluronic Acid And Other Powerful Nutrients Deep Into Your Skin!

It’s true, the skin’s upper layer – called the epidermis – is tough. (It is actually designed to protect the lower layers of your skin) So it’s no easy task to get vital nutrition in through this layer to where it is really needed.

The layer that you are trying to reach is called the dermis, however most skin cream don’t achieve this.

The ability to reach this vital dermis area however is a powerful attribute of the formulation LifeCell Anti Ageing cream I was attracted to initially. I realized it had a molecular structure that would penetrate through the epidermis down to the dermis (20 levels deep).

Human Skin Anatomy

In fact, most skin creams only get a small percentage of their nutrients into your skin’s under layer, the dermis. The nutrients just can’t seep through because of this protective nature of the epidermis.

So instead of nourishing your skin, much of the nutrients in skin creams just sit on your skin’s surface and eventually get washed off. Many of the collagen-boosting, elastin-nourishing nutrients you smooth onto your face each morning when you apply your favourite skin cream don’t make it to where it counts.

But here’s the beauty secret I’m excited to share with you … you don’t need to stab through this tough outer layer with a sharp needle.

No, in fact, over the last few years, scientists have developed a safe, healthy and effective way in delivering some nutrient combinations down into the dermis.

Many powerful antioxidants, Hyaluronic Acid (sodium hyaluronate) along with other nutrients in LifeCell have the ability to go into your skin’s deeper layers.. So your skin can put these nourishing nutrients to use quickly, easily and effectively.

Lifecell Reduces Signs Of AgingVitamin A: The Cornerstone Vitamin For Skin Smoothing Nutrition

Vitamin A, also known as Retinol, is perhaps one of the most widely used nutrients when it comes to anti-wrinkle creams. We have enough in the LifeCell Cream to work effectively without side effects. There are two: Retinol (Vitamin A) also Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A Palmitate) along with 20 other powerful nutrients.

Hyaluronic Acid: Is Your Skin’s Water Magnet.


This important component of your skin helps it to retain water fiercely. I have talked about this nutrient many times previously. It also gives the skin a full and beautifully youthful look. However, this nutrient virtually disappears by the time you’re 60 years of age.


The Beauty Cleanse Process Many People Don’t Want To Talk About.


Detox For Better Health And Younger Looking Skin

But let’s get down to basics, and understand how you will eliminate the poisons, toxins, and pollutants that are making you look old, tired, and wrinkled. It’s a subject not many understand, or want to talk about, when it comes to elimination that keeps toxins away from your skin…

I’m talking about going to the bathroom…

Colon Health

There has been many products clinically shown to gently and effectively to help cleanse your colon and ease constipation. I will make some suggestions…

1. Motion Potion ( contains herbs, Pre & Probiotics) gentle but effective for some cases.

2. Good Health Body Cleanse Total Body Detox Kit by Natures Sunshine ( available from most health shops) This product has been designed as a total body detox which can be completed quickly as a 1 week detox, or for a more gentle cleanse it can be completed as a one month detox. This makes it suitable different lifestyles and levels of health

3. Colon Hydrotherapy Irrigation Clinic (Please do your own research in your area for a very reputable clinic that has the right procedure and follow up.)

Colon Hydrotherapy

If you think it is necessary or time to do a bacterial cleanse please consider Hulda Clarke recommendation Triplex (a great parasite cleanse). An inexpensive tincture that combines Black Walnut, Wormwood & Cloves into one easy product for adults children & pets. Always consider doing all the family, as cross infection is very common.

Why is constipation such an issue when it comes to healthy skin? Well, if you think about it – that’s where most of the waste products you don’t want in your body go! Your body is designed to filter out the waste, pass them through to your colon, and eliminate them.

But if your bowels aren’t working right and you have a hard time eliminating this toxic waste, what happens? It sits inside of you, builds up, blocks your intestines – and with the help of the bacteria in your bowels, it ferments and produces even more toxins.

Slow The Aging Process

As this toxic sludge impacts itself inside of your bowels, your body slowly reabsorbs many of the toxins. These poisons then circulate back through your body, and eventually bring even more skin damaging poisons into your cells.

So while it may not be the most pleasant topic, your bowel movements play a huge role in how young, fresh, and radiant your skin looks. They remove toxins.

It is important to take a “whole body” approach to your skin care, and if you try to solve problem skin without addressing it from the inside-out—and remove toxins—then you are skipping a key part of the solution.


Have a wonderful week!


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What You See On The Outside Reflects What’s On The Inside


The Outside Reflects The Inside

The freshness, youth, and cleanliness of your skin reflect the freshness, youth and cleanliness inside your body!

See, most of us think of skin as a protective barrier – which it is.

But skin works the other way as well. Here’s what I mean…

Along with the liver and the kidneys, your skin is a critical part of how your body cleans and purifies itself from the inside. It will remove toxins and waste from inside your body.

Every day, your blood brings a load of waste products and toxins from deep inside your body up to the surface of your skin so you can get rid of it in your perspiration. In fact this process is so important to your body’s cleaning process that your sweat can carry more waste products and remove more toxins than your urine!

This internal cleansing system works fine when things are normal. Ordinarily, your skin should be able to do this job pretty well without you noticing a thing.

Sweat Helps Your Skin To Cleanse

But in today ‘s unbelievably toxic world, this is no longer true.

With so many pollutants in the air we breathe, our water, our food – even the natural skin care beauty products we apply on our skin – our body’s internal cleansing systems cannot keep up with it all.

Your kidneys are taxed. Your liver is swamped…and your skin is totally overwhelmed.

The toxins circulating in your bloodstream are pushed out into your skin’s sebaceous glands and pores, and they are stored there as your body desperately tries to rid itself of all these poisons.

But because there’s so much of these toxins coming through, this load backs up and blocks your normal elimination process – making it even harder for your skin to get rid of the waste.

As your skin’s transport systems get clogged up, you start to see the results in the inflammation and eruptions on your face… the result is environmental acne.

Removing Toxins Through The Skin

But it gets worse…

As your skin gets clogged up, not only are you unable to get rid of the waste stuck inside the lower layers of your skin…

These blockages prevent the good stuff from getting into your skin and nourishing it from within.

Critical nutrients circulating in your blood that could regenerate and renew your skin, can’t get through…

You see it every day when you look in the mirror and don’t love the look of the person staring back at you!

You feel frustrated because you’ve tried so hard, but your skin “isn’t cooperating” – no matter what expensive at home beauty treatment you use. I personally went down this path in my forties, spending a lot of money on skin care.However it was only when I started to work on the inside it started to reflect on the outside.

In the next few blogs I will share

The Beauty Of Fresh Skin

1. The critical steps missing from your beauty routine… this could be the difference between a bright, youthful complexion or dull, sallow skin that can make you look and feel years older than you are.

2. Six simple steps you can take RIGHT NOW to have radiant, younger looking skin.

3. Eight of the most powerful “skin” foods. These anti-aging foods can heal blemishes, prevent sun damage, and slow or even stop fine lines and wrinkles from forming on your skin.

Stay tuned, until next week!

Here’s to remaining simply beautiful!

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Enhance Your Skin And Take Out The Rubbish.


Sauna Benefits For Skin

We already know that our body excretes (sweats) to cool you down. But perspiring is also our body’s natural way to get rid of waste and pollutants.

The best part is, it rejuvenates your skin.

Today I would like to share a safe and enjoyable method of detox. I’ll tell you from personal experience along with research how you can benefit from taking a sauna and how to do it safely.

It can be faster than any other natural method of detox because it opens pores, so you can flush out impurities more efficiently.

Saunas also improve circulation and oxygenate your tissues. And a sauna session can relieve stress, arthritis symptoms, and bring nutrients to the surface for younger-looking skin.

Relieve Stress

Steam’s a good treatment for respiratory conditions, such as laryngitis, chest congestion, bronchitis and sinusitis. Sauna bathing helps relieve and ward off symptoms of cold or flu. And it revives tired and strained muscles after strenuous activity. Perspiration regulates body temperature and improves your circulation. Even better, it eliminates waste, pollutants and toxins, and stops them from building up.

During a 10-20 minute sauna, your heart rate increases by 50-75%. This can provide some of the same metabolic results as exercise. The heat causes blood vessels in your skin to expand and increase blood flow. Blood flow to the skin increases too, as high as 50-70% of cardiac output.

This also brings nutrients to surface tissues resulting in healthier, youthful skin. 

Approximately 30% of your body’s wastes pass through the skin. Taking a sauna bath increases the
detoxifying capacity of the skin by opening pores and flushing impurities from the body efficiently.

Sauna Skin Benefits

When taking a sauna, skin temperature rises to 104°F and internal body temperature rises to about 100.4°F. This stimulates the immune system resulting in increased production of disease fighting white blood cells, antibodies.

Tumours, viruses, and toxin-loaded cells are weaker than normal cells. These weaker cells don’t tolerate heat very well. Hyperthermia or fever therapy helps combat infections and even cancer. Saunas enhance circulation and oxygenate your tissues. This allows wounds and infections to heal more quickly.

Most reasonably healthy people can reap the health benefits of sauna. The main risk of a sauna is staying in too long and fainting from overheating. People who are most susceptible to this are those with heart disease or who have been drinking alcohol. It isn’t a good idea to combine drinking with a sauna.

Repeated use of the sauna slowly restores your body’s natural ability for waste elimination.
Removal of toxic chemicals and metals through sauna can be faster than with any other natural method of detox.

Sauna Benefits Skin

Do consider this form of detox, I would always suggest this for husband & wives to do together when I was doing talks previously around Australia.

Tips for a safe Sauna

* Drink 2 glasses of water before your sauna.

* The best sauna temperature range is from 102 – 106ºF.

* Relax by reading or listening to music – your body will excrete more easily.

* Gently scrub your skin to remove sweat and toxins.

* Rest and re adjust for a few minutes after any sauna session.

* Redness at the site of an old infection or a funny taste in your mouth is not uncommon as you detoxify.

Hot Sauna

* Take a cool shower afterwards to return your body temperature to normal.

* Drink another 2 glasses of water.

For best effect, repeat this practice at least once a week.

Find a sauna near you, and let us know your results on
We would love to hear from you!

Until next week stay healthy and simply beautiful!


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Your Body Purification Regime

Body Purification

In today’s world, your body is constantly exposed to toxins and pollutants, and chemicals that mimic your hormones. They can leave you feeling bloated, tired and achy. Combine these everyday exposures with the allergens and mold spores in the air, and you may notice your symptoms ramping up.

This can affect how your organs (liver, kidneys and colon) function and how your body looks… think dry skin, dull hair and brittle nails.

That’s why I suggest you do a thorough “spring cleaning” of your body.

Taking Care Of Your Body

I call it the Body Purification Regimen.

Just follow these three purifying steps and your skin will look more radiant, your hair will shine, you’ll feel less bloated, your nails will be stronger, and you’ll start feeling sharper, more alert and more focused than you have all year:

1. Eat clean. The first step is to avoid the toxins and chemicals in your food and water as much as possible. The best way to do this is to avoid processed foods and choose grass-fed beef and free-range poultry instead. This way you’ll know what you’re putting in your body, and you won’t risk consuming the estrogen-mimickers and antibiotics that are found in standard grain-fed meat at your grocery store. Also, be sure to drink only filtered water and buy organic fruits and vegetables to keep chemicals and pesticides out of your system.

2. Sweat it out. If you have access to a sauna, use it. Sweating not only keeps your body temperature in check, it also rejuvenates your largest organ – your skin. It eliminates waste, pollutants and toxins from your body. Plus, periodic purges through perspiration prevent the accumulation of these toxins in the first place and can also remove toxic chemicals and metals faster than any other method of natural body cleansing. If you don’t have access to a sauna, try a workout that really gets your heart pumping and your body sweating.

3. Clean out your kidneys and liver. Certain herbs can help get rid of toxins from your Dandelionbloodstream, restore your liver function and help flush out your kidneys. Two of the most effective herbs,dandelion and milk thistle. You can find them at your local health-food store.

• Dandelion stimulates bile and acts as a diuretic to help your body get rid of excess water and control bloating. I suggest 4-10 grams of the dried leaf or 4 to 10 milliliters (1:1) of fluid extract.

• Milk thistle contains a liver-cleansing ingredient called silymarin. Take 200 mg in a capsule form twice a day.
Try to find the dried extract with a minimum of 80% silymarin for the best results.

                Mik Thistle



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Green Tea Benefits For Skin Care

Green Tea Benefits For Skin CareGreen Tea

Green tea is now used in skin care products to treat various skin disorders, and could help immensely in the battle against skin cancer. Of all the antioxidants known to mankind, the components of green tea are the most potent.

Here’s what green tea can do for your skin health:

1. Fights free Radicals
Free radicals occur naturally in the body due to excessive sun exposure, pollution and smoking. Benefits of green tea skin are explained by the powerful antioxidants found in this drink, which increase the antioxidant capacity of tissues and blood.

2. Younger Skin Cells
It has been proven that products based on the extract of this type of tea reverse the aging process at the cellular level, so with this in mind, you should start using these products to prevent your skin cells to deteriorate . Remember it is easier to prevent than to fight against the aging effect. Used regularly, skin products containing green tea increases the elasticity of the skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

3. Neutralizes the UV Light
The benefits of sunscreen green tea are well documented so you can apply a product on that basis your sunscreen regularly, next time you go to the beach. And since exposure to sunlight is a major factor in skin aging, it is a way of green tea creams can prevent premature aging.

Green Tea Plant 4. Prevents Skin Cancer
The positive effects of green tea when it comes to preventing and fighting against cancer are well known. The content is rich in polyphenols which fight free radicals are among the leading causes of cellular mutations leading to skin cancer. As in most cases of skin cancer is a preventable disease, you should start drinking and using green tea products on your skin as soon as possible.

5. Reduces Inflammation
Because of its constituents, it has potent anti-inflammatory. People who suffer from skin diseases like psoriasis, dandruff, rosacea, or those whose skin is just sensitive can benefit from its calming effect.

6. Fights Acne
Acne is a skin disease widespread affecting a large percentage of people under 40. In addition to the beneficial properties already mentioned above, the catechins in green tea are anti-bacterial and they also regulate hormonal activity. A 2003 study showed that green tea cream is as good as the cream of benzoyl peroxide, but without any side effect.

The green tea benefits for skin care have been confirmed by numerous studies. The beneficial properties of green tea can be experienced by drinking it or applying it directly to the skin via a lotion or cleanser.

LifeCell Cleanser contains Green Tea along with other powerful ingredients including Resveratrol, Rosemary, Tea Tree Oil and Cucumber. It’s available now for just $39 and will last up to a year of daily use. Take care of your skin with this natural, antioxidant face wash cleanser and start enjoying the skin care benefits of green tea now.


Green Tea Benefits For Skin Care
